XboxEra Community Hangout |OT11| It Goes To 11!

The gods… have heard my cries…


For the record, those guys I would listen when it’s reported from them, unlike the claims since they’re just well claims.

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I think the insider “culture” has reached an unsustainable level, now everything is a rumour, the sources are never clear and plans always “change”. Hmmm.


Bring back Ecco the Dolphin, ya cowards.


Sharp words…


SEGA Doing wonderfully well since they started doing multiplatform consistently. Some companies from that country should learn.

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Since Tim Sweany got MS on his side in court, he’s been doing crazy bootlicking :sob::sob:


My childhood, I feel like this game was either loved by us crazy folk or despised by kids who had no idea what to do

I loved it though, the music, the difficulty, the atmosphere, I think a modern version could work well but I’m not sure if SEGA actually own the IP or not


I actually played Ecco for the first time on NSO. It has some frustrating points, but it is a really unique and cool game. A remake or sequel of some sort would be awesome and nothing like anything else on the market.

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Had me at Panzer Dragoon. Seriously we need a Saga Remake. More people should play that game!

Live look at Square Enix: jim-carrey-dumb-and-dumber


What about Space Harrier and Choplifter?!?! I would faint if that were to happen.

Playing it atm.

Man, I love games with such good controls. Games that let you do whatever you want with precision.

I just parried an arrow. Yep, I am going to enjoy this.


PoP demo is definitely fun, but it’s not a day one buy for me. Especially because I have MORE than enough games already.

It is the first Ubisoft game to grab my attention in some time but I do also feel that being Ubisoft it is a game that you can pick up for like 30% off or more 1 month after release.

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Was this known?


Think it’s appeared at a couple of Xbox events. Or you mean the date?

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Not to discount your point I think you are bang on BUT could it be argued that purchasing Activision helped MS grow as a business. Because you’re essentially adding on their revenue and profits.

When I look at Apple and Google I don’t see gaming, internally fostered with their own development teams, hardware, etc, being a big part of their business and to see video games be a part of MS seems like a good thing in recognizing the impact that games have.


Yup, release date.

I like how it looks, now to find out how it plays.

In terms of game feel and responsiveness it’s up there with Ori 2 and Metroid Dread, combat also has the potential to be the best combat system in a 2D game ever. Great stuff from an amazing studio, can’t wait to play next week (found the retail release for 40e!).


There’s a 3D Ecco on Dreamcast at least if you ever get the chance to play it. I think it was also released on PS2. It’s a really cool game and I thought they pulled off the switch to 3D really well.