XboxEra Community Hangout |OT11| It Goes To 11!

Appreciate it brother.


Anyone else exhausted by the gaming ā€œdiscourseā€? I just canā€™t be fucking bothered following the rumours and doom and gloom and anger and bullshit.

It feels like, online, the 5% are the 95%,and it really does sour my enjoyment, and soā€¦ I am disengaging. It is pointless to follow it all and I feel like it affects me way more than it should.

Iā€™m backing away and going back to enjoying the games. Iā€™ll be around, but the discussion and discourse is so out of whack.

And even here, on one of the best places, it seeps across the streams.


TBH, if 16 does come over I donā€™t see it doing particularly well, even on PC nevermind Xbox after that

Even the Playstation stans donā€™t seem to care for it and as an FF fan myself, everything Iā€™v seen is basically what Iā€™m not after in an FF game

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Either way, just bring it. While I donā€™t think it will be the same, BG3 shows itā€™s doing far better on Xbox than PS, so who knows what happens if it comes to Xbox. In any case, bring it and call it a night.

the final 30 hours in totk are absolutly awesome the build up the atmosphere towards the end is perfect. TOTK is my goty from last year such a fantastic gameā€¦


Huge games coming out soon. Wonā€™t be time for much discourse when Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth , Tekken 8, and Suicide Squad come out. Personally Iā€™m probably going to avoid Suicide Squad discourse anyway. Iā€™m looking forward to it and donā€™t really want my excitement poisoned by the toxic internet gaming community. Plus I donā€™t really want to hear a bunch of Yakuza discourse either that minimizes its greatness. Yakuza will probably be the game of the year, the last like a dragon was the greatest jrpg ever made and somehow the internet barely even noticed. Tekken will be awesome too, the demo was supurb. :v:

I have been for quite some time. This latest ā€œcontroversyā€ has me on the verge of just giving up and leaving for good. I took a break from all this stuff back in 2013 when everything about Xbox was absolutely unbearable to deal with. It felt suffocating and sucked all the joy out of gaming for me. After tuning everything out I went back to just playing games and I really enjoyed the gen.

I came back during the lead up to the Series X/S launch and found myself on ResetEra and my prevailing thought at the time was ā€œAh, nothing has really changed. Everything still sucksā€. Then, I subsequently found this community and it felt like a breath of fresh air, at least when the controversy deā€™jour wasnā€™t happening.

I still love this community, but I often find myself bewildered at the reactions that people have to what seem to me to be the most innocuous of news stories/rumors. Itā€™s like every possible thing spells the end of the world and I just find it so incredibly tedious.

For a collection of supposed Xbox fans, I do hear ā€œXbox should just give up and leave the console business thenā€, far, far too often. Itā€™s almost like thatā€™s what Xbox fans really want. I mean you even have people saying theyā€™re going to leave Xbox because of the perception around it and not because of the games. It just doesnā€™t make sense to me. Criticism is fine and I understand that people are going to have reactions, often emotional ones, to news, but itā€™s the hyperbole and ridiculousness (as I see it) that follows that frustrates me.

So, yeah, Iā€™m tired of it all. I just want to play games and talk about them with others. I want to discuss the industry and the goings on with Xbox with sane, rational people. I want to feel like a hobby meant for fun is, you know, fun. I donā€™t understand why this hobby needs to be treated like politics, or a do or die situation, a ā€œbattleā€ or ā€œwarā€ if you will. Itā€™s really not that serious you guys. People who make video games and those that fund, develop and release consoles are not ā€œEvilā€. There is no ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œbadā€ side to all of this. Itā€™s just business and entertainment and people trying to make a living.

Anyway, Iā€™ve rambled enough about this. I just wish people would chill the f*** out. But, we donā€™t live in that world, so yeah.


You said everything, itā€™s the reason Iā€™ve just been playing games for a while, and having fun, and Iā€™m looking at what gets people so riled up, and I just donā€™t understand. I guess Iā€™m growing out of it.


I will be all over that once the new system comes out, Iā€™m holding off on buying it until then. My friend brought his copy last August and I just canā€™t accept how rough it looks overall, especially on a large screen. I went from playing RDR2 all the time around that time to that, a blurry, jaggy, honestly ugly mess. It should at least look clean, that would go a long way. The Prologue looks fine, but once you get outside, sheesh.

These games and many more by Nintendo deserve so much better when it comes to hardware. For some it doesnā€™t matter, but great visuals contribute a great deal to the overall experience, for me.

I honestly think TOTK looks great. The art makes a lot ground as well as the awesome physics system. I think the artstyle helps tremendosly.

well said, the tough part in this discourse are the people who give up because they are annoyed that xbox isnā€™t doing the way they want but what they want hasnā€™t worked before so they switched it up and people who are supposed to be die hards are going in to hyperbole and hypotheticals for stuff that hasnā€™t happened yet like what about this and that instead of actually enjoying the games and leave the decision to the people actually running the business

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But the people running the business need to be clear about their intentions so people can decide if they want to invest in their ecosystem or not. Donā€™t say something then backtrack then do the same thing again. Why not talk directly to the public about their goal. Not doing so will also detract from any of their upcoming showcases like the January one. Xbox needs to stop creating confusion and only they have the power to do so

Couldnā€™t agree more. One of the things you all can do to help us ensure that this toxicity doesnā€™t continue to spread here is to flag, ping mods, etc.

Gaming, regardless of what platform(s) you prefer should be a celebratory hobby and this constant negativity over drummed up controversy is far from welcome here.


Thereā€™s been no back tracking (ā€œcase by case basisā€ is pretty clear) and if you canā€™t keep the drama in the relegated thread, consequences are in order. The community have asked for better and weā€™ll make sure thatā€™s the case.


Some would argue theyā€™ve been as transparent as they can be. Most games will be exclusive, but some wonā€™t be. It will truly be a case by case basis and theyā€™ve said as much.

They canā€™t draw hard lines in the sand because situations change, market conditions change, etc. This isnā€™t just an issue with MS either. Sony was never going to bring their games to PC, until they did. They believed in generations, until they didnā€™t. These companies will give you their truth as they see it in that moment, but plans will always change.

Anyway, per Knottianā€™s advice, Iā€™ll stop posting about it here. :smile:


Its probably less than 10 days until the next Developer Direct so i hope this current thing is drowned out in a week.


If only SEGA still had a platform, I think itā€™s gotten worse since they left. Maybe itā€™s time for a 4th competitor.


I really hope there is one and we get a ton of juicy information to chew on.


Iā€™m sorry to hear it. We try to moderate as lightly as possible and I think siloā€™ing off this type of conversation is the best action. You can choose to mute threads and not see/follow them at all too.


Honestly, Iā€™m usually pretty good at just ignoring the sillyness when it happens, but Iā€™ve been having a rough start to the year and it just feels like discourse as it relates to literally every topic in any space is just awful and incredibly toxic.

I also have a bad habit of trying to play devilā€™s advocate, so I tend to wade into topics I should probably just ignore. :sweat_smile: