XboxEra Community Hangout |OT11| It Goes To 11!

Oh crap, it actually took my advice. lol. But seriously, bring it!

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Rand has been saying this for a while, he was on point



I was moved when I read so many people voiced out on how Halo got robbed and ironically, in a way, by original developer studio.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Layoffs at Amazon Gaming Studios

I’m surprised they even had 200 people to lay off considering their game output seems like it barely exists

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Persona 5 Royal is back on Gamepass? Or did they extend it, I seem to recall it leaving on the 31st of last month but it’s showing up on my dashboard as being on Gamepass.

As for the game awards we all knew Starfield was getting snubbed, why even make a big deal about it. Beyond trailers for future games, the VGA’s are worthless as an award show. It’s nothing more than a three hour ad. No use getting bent out of shape over it at this point.

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It’s out of Game Pass right now. Expecting a sale on that collection with all three for Black Friday.


For everyone developing this, I want this to succeed so badly - Zaslov has already done a predictably-great job of destroying other parts of WB, the last thing he needs is an excuse to cut WB Games staff/projects.


My condolences.


100% man

I really want this to surprise us all and that it turns out to be an awesome game. Rocksteady is good for it. They brought us three Batman ones, two of which are superb and one is just good. I truly wish they had made the Damian Wayne game instead, stick to your strengths. But alas. Suicide Squad so far just doesn’t look too hot, but I’d love to be proven wrong.

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MS should make a deal with Nvidia: instead of developing their own hardware for AI, they should make an Nvidia exclusivity of some sort and keep buying GPUs for AI but get a guarantee on GPU for surface devices/Xbox at a discount in return. Would give Xbox a huge advantage next Gen.

They aren’t working with Nvidia for hardware ever again.


Correct. The only ones that will ever do so is Nintendo. Nvidia has burned all their console bridges in the past with Microsoft and Sony.


is it going back to it’s old price? I feel this is how they justify their price increase

I keep seeing the Twitter trolls posting the chart showing that Xbox has never had any games nominated for the Keighley GOTY.

Thought I’d have a quick look and it’s wrong…

  • 2019: The Outer Worlds
  • 2021: Deathloop & Psychonauts 2

Technically it’s now:

  • 2014: Hearthstone
  • 2015: Fallout 4
  • 2016: Overwatch & Doom
  • 2019: The Outer Worlds
  • 2020: Doom Eternal
  • 2021: Deathloop & Psychonauts 2
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Even if they’re not completely right they’re kinda right as those games weren’t exclusive or fully made under Xbox. But I ask them to examine the reason maybe (they won’t), when the same people with constant documented Xbox hate and negativity are the ones voting in these awards.