XboxEra Community Hangout |OT10| Insert Catchy Quip Here

Fair enough. In Arkane, we trust.


As the Acquisitions Man, I’m confident in saying that it will likely be some time before acquisitions are outright stopped for Xbox. Phil and Matt Booty have both made statements to allude to more coming down the line.


That’s good. I know from experience what having unstable Internet is like and it would hurt the game a lot to be booted out of your single player game because the connection dropped for a few minutes, or for the game itself to be unplayable because of maintenance.

For many people in certain regions as well, very bad Internet is their only option, I hear some people say it’s shakey and takes them days-a week to download a large game, so forcing a connection for single player wasn’t fair for people in these situations either.

And it’s good the article brings up the points that I’ve always been making


Can’t help but feel like they got outcry from “those” fans like “How dare you give them the extra boost! Rabble rabble rabble!” Then again, you can argue us fans to be like “You lied!” So I guess we’re even.

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This means it’s not enhanced for Series?

It’s basically enhanced based One X if anything.

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Ah yes, well that’s OK.

In a big shock to no one game pass can give devs a bunch of income from DLC only buyers

Played it and it’s legit great.

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I have been playing it on Series X… and no complaints so far. It looks 4K and sure runs at locked 60 fps, not that the game is very taxing though. Game looks labelled as Series optimised so this is definitely weird.

I am enjoying the game a lot.

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I wonder if you can play it via normal hard drive storage.

Cant test it atm sorry.

That’s fine. Appreciated.

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One big problem of Wo Long is the checkpoints or more like lack off.

Was playing with a friend and we killed a boss. But he had to leave. There was no way to save, it was apparently still the same level.

If you quit the co-op to continue a next time you have to redo everything. Bullshit, bad bad decision by the devs.

Time to migrate.


wonder if they will try a console port for this?

If it plays anything like GO did on 360, don’t bother

That game was utter trash but no, I certainly don’t expect it