XboxEra Community Game of the Year 2022 - VOTING THREAD!

I’ll do a preliminary list since I might still be able to squeeze in a game or two before the deadline. I don’t rush playing most things since I have a huge backlog…

  1. Immortality A truly unique experience where the hair on the back of my neck stood up more than once. I was hooked from that moment and I dug through everything in that game. Brilliant!

  2. Pentiment What a brilliant game! The stories, history, characters and mystery had me hooked from the beginning to end. What an incredible game, so unique and detailed and beutiful in many ways. I loved it all.

  3. PowerWash Simulator I never thought a game like this could hook me like this did. I became obsessed with cleaning all the dirt away, everywhere… Perfect podcast game.

  4. Dying Light 2 The game I spent the most time with during the year. It had a decent story, great melee combat in first person, great exploration and so much fun things to do and discover. Great game.

  5. As Dusk Falls Interesting story, told in an interesting way. It felt like choices mattered, and I will definitely dive into this again for a few more playthroughs in the future.

  6. Grounded I have not had the opportunity to play this as much as I’d like to, but it’s a very well done little survival game.

  7. High On Life Incredibly dumb, very silly and a pretty good action shooter platformer! The humour did not always land with me, but it was generally amusing. The Gatlians, villains and some of the side characters were great.

Best ongoing game:

  1. Battlefield 2042 Yes, I’m serious. Jumped on when Season 3 hit and the game landed on Game Pass. The new stuff is very good and the events over the holidays were really good. Looks like things are going in the right direction for once.

  2. Forza Horizon 5 The Hot Wheels expansion was very good, but outside that I didn’t really play much. I don’t feel it like I did with FH4 which held me a lot longer. Still great support over the year.