|OT| The Best Place For Xbox Content

While the XboxEra forums are brand new, has been around for more than a year. Many people who are on these forums and will be joining in the future may not know about the website. This OT will be dedicated to highlighting the incredible work that the team does. Everyone on the site is contributing because they love Xbox. The goal of the site from day one was to create Xbox focused content and shine a light on the positives that the platform brings

The goal is to be the best place for Xbox news and content, and a year in I think the site is well on its way to being that. Down below I will link everything XboxEra related and as new content comes out I will update the thread.

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Here are a few recent pieces of content

From @KageMaru

From @falconx

Something I wrote a few days ago. I think there’s a strong possibility that Obsidian will be the best studio for Xbox next gen.

Why Gold/ Paid online doesn’t make sense for Xbox anymore

Good video From @SoulBlazerz on a cool looking game

Really impressively detailed video by @KageMaru

Keep up the good work you guys! :+1:


Can confirm I love their podcast and youtube videos.