Xbox without GamePass - I can't see past my privilege

I don’t think it’s privilege so much as just seeing what the platform is differently.

I think the idea of Xbox being distinct from Game Pass won’t last much longer tbh. At some point GP will reach critical mass and the vast majority of games will end up on GP. Before too long the idea of what Xbox represents will radically change from ‘a console’ to ‘the universe of devices that let me access Game Pass’. Your head is just there already is seems, OP.

I also think the argument yesterday that new customers will flock to PS5 as some silly revolt to Gold’s pricing was delusional. Nobody is out there seeing XSX and the moves it’s been making and thinks ‘golly I sure do want to buy this $500 box and then spend $70/game!’. If they thought that was the most compelling value proposition on offer from the various ecosystems, they’d buy a PS5 anyhow. No, if they are jumping into Xbox from some other ecosystem, it is because the ecosystem’s crown jewel lured them in. Not because they wanted Gold on its own at some specific pricepoint.

  1. I’ve seen no evidence this demographic actually exists to any considerable degree anymore. It used to in the 360 era, but I’ve known several of those types and all now use Game Pass to play tons of different games. Those casuals today play way more than they did 10 yrs ago.

  2. Those casuals aren’t buying brand new systems at launch with low inventory. They aren’t the type to pre-order or prioritize rushing out to buy a new machine the instant it comes back in stock.

  3. Many of the games ya listed are/were already on Game Pass anyhow.

  4. Reminder: 2 games/yr is more costly than hundreds of games/yr on Game Pass.