I hope game developers can chop down game development time back to 3 years for a game, this 5-6 year wait per single-player title is getting really tedious as someone who enjoys singer player. I’m disappointed yet not surprised we don’t t have a wolfenstein 3 yet.
I hope so too. Not counting on it though lol.
Well people want bigger and more advance games so I doubt that
With you on wolfie 3. I really wonder what MG has been doing after Young blood. Let’s be glad things have gone back to normal when it comes to the virus though, that reaaaaally wasn’t helping anyone.
New generation and technology is supposed to cut down on some development pipeline. SSD to make data management much easier. UE5 tech, lumen to cut down time spent baking lightning and shadows. Nanite to cut down time spent on polygon budgeting and optimizing from artists.
Not sure how this will play out in real world situations though.
Halo infinite wasn’t worth the 6 years it took to make at all, and i loved the campaign for infinite. Gears 4 to 5 had a ton of improvements and it only took them 3 years.
I do not believe in the 10 year plan for infinite anymore. Texture sizes are getting too large. Games going to be so big to the point where people aren’t going to want to keep it installed anymore, they will have to rotate maps out like what destiny 2 has to do with expansions if they do a 10 year plan. 6 months we’ve e only received 2 maps.
I get that graphics mean a lot and textures take a long time to design but this wait is ridiculous. Im a massive halo player but I am already tired of infinite. I’ve gone back to playing Call of Duty Vanguard as of yesterday and it feels like theres a ton more content. 343 needs to step up their game and I’m saying that as someone who has been a long time 343 defender.
The Coalition and Playground are so much more efficient its sad.
It didn’t take 6 years. A lot of the time at first they spent cultivating a vision and trying to settle on a technology base (UE4 vs Slipspace). They also built the engine as they developed the game.
You mentioned Playground and Coalition, those studios pretty much know what they wanted to do for the next entry already, and their technology is configured for it.
Every studio goes through the pre planning decision making, it shouldn’t have taken infinite 6 years for a game thats only marginally better than the prior entries. Slipspace is already showing issues, the game developers are having a very difficult time trying to implement multiplayer changes because of that engine. There was an xp glitch where people weren’t receiving their xp after completing matches just this past month i believe.
Man, again I’m saying the game didn’t take 6 years to make. 6 years between entries is one thing, the reality is from the multiple reports we had the game maybe didn’t actually start development until 2018. You can question what they were doing before that but it’s obvious they wanted a new start with changes and the vision just wasn’t clear and so a lot of time was wasted.
Had a big speech but thought it was a bit aggressive so I’ll make it a little less aggressive, You cannot compare studios and games just like that, game development doesn’t work like that and it’s tiring seeing people act like they know how game development works based on almost nothing.
You can’t say studio S made this big great game in X amount of years so why can’t studio G make the same thing in X amount of years.
Many people, including myself, actually wanted Gears 5 to have been given more time in development. I love the game but it’s clear that it was rushed in some places and wasn’t able to be as ambitious as they wanted it to be.
It’s why I’m in no real hurry for Gears 6, even though I badly want to see this story play out.
Really? I thought The Coalition did a great job with the singleplayer, one of the best XGS titles imo.
Man Gears 6 should have more emphasis on mech gameplay, and to give us more melee weapons and more time with them. That stuff was so damn fun yet they took it away from us pretty quickly.
Good game but people are tired of the formula, the games play almost identically to Gears 1 over 15 years ago other than playing smoother and they’ve been pumping these out every couple of years since
if there’s one title that deserves far more time in the oven it’s Gears, give it an extra year or two to innovate and make it huge like it once was
and there’s endless amount of games in development now, this isn’t the xbox one gen anymore, these teams can easily spend those extra years now and make something special
As for FH6, yeah it’s time for Japan or at least an Asian focus
But its not identical to gears 1, Gears 5 had perks and abilities + side quests and semi open world.
Most of which was pointless and added very little to the game
I really enjoyed 5, especially after I thought 4 was just okay. Heck I consider it to be the best gears game since gears 2.
But I do think it could have been even better if it was allowed more time. Which it seems like Gears 6 is being given.
Not a fan of lumping 50+ countries together like that, it’s very colonial. Africa is very diverse like you say and deserves multiple games tbh.
Perhaps story wise it didn’t necessarily push the envelope. However i thought the gameplay was a lot of fun, and i loved playing it my first play through on the second highest difficulty, those mini boss battles were a lot of fun.
And then there are those studios like Rockstar that used to release tons of games in a console generation but that certainly has stopped.
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s very understandable that something like RDR2 takes so long to make, but GTA 6 will set a record for how many years it has between their last iteration.