Alright let’s dismiss InXile being involved with remasters because it also doesn’t make sense. If it were to be done internally, which studio/s could it be? Or would it be outsourced?
I mean… InXile is comprised of a number of the original Fallout devs, so a remaster (not remake) is well within their wheelhouse. Not saying anything one way or another because I don’t know, just commenting on the sensibility of it.
Nightdive! They’re basically a studio that works at remastering older games and bring them to new platforms. They worked with Bethesda/Zenimax on the Quake remaster.
But how? They’re not a technical or a support studio, which remasters usually tend to be made by. Remasters won’t involve much creative input.
If you said remakes, specifically for 1 & 2, made in fully 3D worlds in the vein of modern Bethesda titles then that would make sense for InXile, since as you said they have history with the origins of Fallout, they would reimagine them in a modern sense and that would involve creative input from as well. They would essentially be new games in so many ways.
You can’t give a bunch of veteran dudes that make some of the best WRPGs out there the task of doing remasters
Double 11 perhaps, they’ve been working with Bethesda Austin the past several months on Fallout 76 with some mention they may be handling a next gen upgrade. As an external support studio that perhaps puts them in a good position to also handle any Creation Engine remasters.
Exactly. And even if you say majority of of the work is gonna be technical, since when is Inxile a technical studio?
I’d hope if Inxile were to remake Fallout 1 and 2 they’d use their Wasteland framework and keep it faithful to the original, partly because it plays to their expertise and partly because I think a Bethesda style modernised remake of those games would be a massive and impractical undertaking.
There’s plenty of practical reasons a studio might be involved in a remake or a remaster that isn’t necessarily wasting key figures time, just look at Naughty Dog who is doing a remake right now as a transition project while they work on engine upgrades.
Isn’t InXile rumored to be developing a first person steam punk RPG? If so, I hope remastering games doesn’t take resources away from this new IP. Also, how big is InXile? Are they even big enough to handle a new IP and a remaster?
And I view that as a stupid waste of resources
For starters, “veteran dudes” (aka the original developers) develop remasters of their work far more often than you two are given them credit for, lest you forget Naughty Dog’s multiple in-house remasters (TLOU Remaster was retooled all in house) or Crytek with their multiple Crysis Remasters, and I have plenty more.
Most importantly, I’m getting the sense that neither of you have played Fallout 1/2; by today’s standards they wouldn’t require much in the way of labor or technical aptitude to remaster them and could easily be completed by a skeleton crew (Grounded is made by 12 people and it’s an entirely new endeavor). So there wouldn’t be much pulling of resources from their main project. Sounds more like you guys are hung up on the labor cost, or something, without understanding how few people it takes to remaster a game from that era.
Thank you Bill, some reason; I didn’t even remember about the new TLOU remake. As I mentioned there are far more examples of primary studios handling their own remasters/remakes.
Why is doing a remake or remaster a waste of time ? Maybe the devs are passionate about the game and want to make it to bring it to a new audience.
More hung up on the relatively small studio should probably be working on their huge budget AAA RPG and farm a remaster out to someone else.
The point is less the remake itself, the point is that sometimes there is simply a practical need for a smaller project such as a remake or a remaster. If project timelines don’t line up neatly it’s either scale back unnecessary staff or have something else for them to work on. There’s also Final Fantasy 7 Remake as another example, they made the Yuffie DLC expansion alongside the upgraded base game as a training project for the next gen engine upgrades.
Someone is passionate about slapping some new textures in an old game? Remake I can see, remaster?Naaah
I guess you’re right, depends on how hefty the remaster is.
I’m not necessarily going to suggest there’s people internally at Inxile passionate about doing a Bethesda remaster, but to your point specifically have you seen how many fans are more than willing to do exactly that? There’s a pretty avid modding community built around Bethesda games who are more than happily releasing texture packs and all sorts of remastering efforts all the time.
You are not wrong, and those crazy people even do it for free.
I’m recalling the insiders from the early days or Era and Gaf.
Abiel and Verendus, they were very strange people.