Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Well Oscars are still going so…

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The Game Awards would be fine if it were shorter or if they had bigger announcements to show throughout the show. Since the show usually gets stale in the middle.


If roundhouse is only working on redfall and nothing else, this is disappointing:(

For the best, considering their output lol

They have another project in the works. Although whether they are leading, co-developing or supporting is unknown.

Are they? Maybe they had a part of the studio doing pre production and the rest of them went and played a support studio role for now.

Edit: I guess they specifically mentioned a new game from Roadhouse at the round table last year


Wasn’t it rumored to be a hero shooter of some kind?

I think they were working a superhero game prior to becoming Roadhouse but that game died.

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I think there is another project in preproduction as well but I think it’s good they are working mostly on Redfall that way it allows the studio to grow and also gain experience before working on their own project.

Hope they make The Quiet Man 2 :geoff:

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Woah love this theme, surely the last picture is AoE4 on console.



What could this be?

i highly doubt Xbox announces AoE4 to console especially in Germany where we care mostly for PC here for this genre.

Its probably more content for AoE4.

Because they’re working on a console port and gamescom is probably the best place to announce it as they’re big RTS fans in Germany.

It’s just Game Pass marketing/branding most likely

They are making a console port I don’t think there is any question about that, like I said above I think it’ll be the best place to show it because how much they love RTS games and they sell Xbox consoles there so it’s really a no brainer. Yeah there will be AoE4 DLC and possibly the console port.

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Do it Shinji! the man is a legend! :partying_face:


I think having a good work culture at studios is going to be the big boon, as more and more shitheads get booted and things change people are going to want to go to places that are more welcoming. I don’t think devs will take a bad workplace on the chin anymore to get a job at their dream studio. This is just silly ol’ me non game developer who knows nothing about any of this but I feel the way studio heads and studios in general keep talking about work culture it just feels this way.

Workers health and wellbeing > anything else. They should be doing it to look after their staff but also it benefits the company by being a wanted studio to work at and happy developers will work better and make better products.

Can’t wait to see what he comes up with on making his own game!