If Starfield is delayed, then it is gonna be disappointing. But Serrano is never right so…
Starfield nah cant believe the game gets delayed.
Hahah, graftak. Yeah I know that word.
Never say never, I agree, but this sounds so unlikely. With Todd last E3 saying he wouldn’t announce the release date so early if he wasn’t sure and he sure doubled down on that in the IGN interview. Also didn’t that last video of the game still have 11.11.22?
Oh and yeah, I’ll stay away for sure. The comments I saw to that tweet like Starfield being scared for Hogwarts Legacy and that we all should remember what happened in February with Horizon and DL2 when ER came out. That nobody talked about those last two anymore, come on now, lol.
The Chronicles of Riddick is regarded as one of the greatest licensed games of all time, if not the best. Machine Games who were the devs for Riddick using it as a template for Indy isnt that far fetched instead of just making an Uncharted clone.
I think it doesn’t make sense to pay for a license whose recognition is mostly if not all tied to the main character’s iconic look and then not have that be on-screen. That doesn’t make sense for Bethesda and it doesn’t make sense for Disney.
It doesn’t have to be an Uncharted clone either, although it being a mainstream licenced IP means it’s gotta be formulaic in many ways and most likely to be inspired by than inspiring to other games anyway.
Indy can be third person and still differentiate itself heavily from UC and TR
Make it more melee focused with his whip instead of using guns everywhere and have guns very limited as well as making it have more puzzles, iv only seen the last crusade but one of my favourite parts of it is him figuring out puzzles and the trials
Escape scenes
After decision of cdpr i think 343i too should use unreal engine in their new games
Can’t agree more… Not a comment on Halo but slip space engine has not show anything special
Wonder how forge will work in UE5
I bet if it had been a developer known for both third and first person nobody would have assumed it was going to be first person, but MG is known for that alone. But GG was too with Killzone but then they made Shellshock. We’ve had this subject about thousand times now I think, lol. Maybe MG should just come out and give it to us straight.
The discussions will then cease.
The thing is, that engine trailer showed beautiful stuff. To this day it looks great and I really thought it was doable for the game on the new hardware. But they can get to that point eventually, I don’t know.
As I said with the news about CDPR going with UE5, we should leave that decision with the engineers and developers at the studios who actually work with these engines rather than imparting uninformed opinions on to them.
I don’t want to see the industry homogenized in everyone using the same engine.
Instead of using UE5 because its easier for new developers, maybe just hire the contractors who are familiar with the tools instead of just letting them go every 18 months.
343 likely want to keep using their own engine due to physics systems as well as forge or any number of reasons
Devs cant just decide to use another engine like it will just work, there’s a reason devs use specific engines for things
I am sure we also know that they did toy with the idea of going with UE but it was dropped for Slipspace. As you say, game engines do a lot more than just ‘graphics’ and they all need to be taken into account.
It probably is, but we won’t see it anytime soon. Cross-gen development held them back, and I fear caving to the fanbase and adding a couch co-op function will hold them back in the future too.
back at this again.
It was a wish but for sure i see the developers have 100% the decision on choosing engine and everything about the game ( even if they changed it to third person shooter ) They have the decision and i only have the right of criticize the final product
Entire thread on it even. Though cant link it cause phone is acting up.