Xbox Game Studios |OT8| Leaving The Drought Behind And Heading For Starfield

Yes i know about Oxide games, Project Indus. I mean RTS not 4x game.

Aren’t they making mighty doom at the moment?

Zos is announcing something for ESO!

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I found a new image from Hellblade 2 which shows a snow capped mountain and the Open World

1 Like They seem to work a lot with procedural tools, Houdini, data satellites like Flight Simulator, Photogrammetry, Machine Learning to bring to life the most faithful and realistic 9th century Iceland possible.


why not let capcom make the reboot ? make a deal with them, let’s see Japanese devs take on the game

DR1 was legitimately awesome, one of my favourite games and one of the first games that felt super next gen alongside Gears and Oblivion

But the rest of the series has been mediocre or just straight up bad

Some of y’all have weird obsessions with IP that’s either of little to no worth or was never good to begin with, DR, Ryse, Quantum Break, MS have more than enough underused IP in their vault or other things they can shoot for without going for crap like that

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Avowed :eyes:

“Hello everyone! So this project started out as a simple environment to learn UE4’s virtual texture & volumetric clouds systems. As many of my simple projects do, it then ballooned into something bigger. It became a full world-building experiment to see how quickly I could create a small-medium sized medieval/fantasy open world. The map is rather small, at only roughly 4.2 square kilometers, and is only about 80% filled, but it took me about 2.5 months of working on it in small 2 - 3 hour chunks here and there and that isn’t too bad in my opinion. Most of the foliage and ground cover is driven through the landscape shader, and the trees are a combination of UE4’s procedural foliage volumes, and some hand-painted foliage. Since this was primarily a world-building & atmosphere and lighting experiment, most of the assets are either Megascans, or taken from Epic’s free projects, or some UE4 marketplace asset packs, and then tuned to fit my needs. It’s not perfect, there are some weird streaming hitches and some of my audio triggers are doing strange things, but for now I am calling it done enough. The video is rather long, here are some points of interest:”

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I’ll post an updated one soon.


The only Dead Rising game that was bad and did poorly was 4 and that was apparently super rushed. Its not the biggest franchise but when it’s done right there are plenty of people that enjoy the series and I think there is absolutely room for it only if they have a plan in place and a studio ready.

Also it’s not really a weird obsession that people want sequels to games they might of enjoyed lol.

That’s because Capcom stopped developing it internally after DR1. Every entry after that was outsourced. DR2 at least had the original devs supervising it, but after that it was completely in the hands of Capcom Vancouver (closed now). I’d like to see a new DR back in the hands of Capcom internally to see how it would turn out. First game is one of the best on 360 and has unmatched atmosphere and is just so much fun to find secrets hidden in the actually intricately designed sections of the mall.

thanks :slight_smile:

Dead Rising should stay dead and buried. Would by far prefer to see Dino Crisis return instead of Dead Rising.


Showtime Recording GIF by CBS


It would be cool to see a rundown of the locations

Or even The Lost Planet


Dino Crisis was just Resident evil with dinos :man_shrugging:

and it was bad tbh


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I would take that over Dead Rising too.