Xbox Game Studios |OT8| Leaving The Drought Behind And Heading For Starfield

From next year, we will see studios cut free hopefully. Thats not a healthy set up at all

I cant see Phil being happy with so many studios pumping out one game. Sorting this out has to be a priority

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Having at least 3 main teams on CoD is the best case scenario in terms of letting others do what they want, it will likely require more than that if they can’t up the dev count for those studios considerably

Once a year is too much, it saturates the IP and its too tough on the devs but Phil isnt stupid

CoD is the biggest game every year, they aren’t going to have 3 year releases, especially when they have game pass to grow, they will use CoD to do that as much as they can

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??? Milked Halo to death?

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During the 360 era. Its what led to Bungie parting ways.

3 major AAA studios the size of 343 on one IP is ridiculous and unhealthy for XGP

In the 360 era all we got from Bungie was Halo 3 in 07, a spin off and Reach and all were widly successful. Then 343 made Halo 4 which should had been an Xbox One title, 5 and now Infinite.

I think the series has been properly paced if anything and the problems with Halo had nothing to do with milking.

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You cant have XGP being saturated by Cod either.

You’re seriously underestimating the importance of CoD and what it will do for gamepass, they have over 30 studios now, they will absolutely have multiple teams working on it constantly

and once every 2 years isnt saturation, not when its still been the best selling game every year for the last 15 years

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The series was way too frequent, which js why we have seen MS give it a break

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Turning XGP into the Cod service is entirely against what Xbox are about these days. The aim will be to make it less frequent but more supported. What they are doing with Halo Infinite, the next Forza basically

All this tells me is that if Hindle was running Xbox, COD would fall off by the end of the current generation in popularity. :sob:


Activision have done that already.

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That’s how not only was the 2021 cod game the best selling but the 2020 cod was #2


COD in the last 3 years.

100 million + users on COD mobile.

100 million + users on Warzone.

Highest selling COD title in MW 2019.

Highest selling game on both platforms for 3 years straight.


The warning signs are there with Vanguard. They keep on down that path and success can easily go.

While im looking forward to seeing the Modern Warfare 2 campaign, JFC, that is just way too many development studios for just COD. SMH.

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MS taking over came at the perfect time really.

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Yea Jesus

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Bungie wanted to make one maybe two Halo games and end it there. Three mainline games are as far as you can get from milking. They had already signed off to leave at Halo 3, and conditions were they make at least two more. (ODST and Reach)

The heart of the matter was them wanting to own their own IP, and they couldn’t do that under MS. If they were so averse to sticking to one IP, they wouldn’t have signed up for a 10 year deal with Activision to work on one IP.

Edit: damn just hit me, if Activision had bought Bungie MS would be about to own them again.