Xbox Game Studios |OT8| Leaving The Drought Behind And Heading For Starfield

It was one of the two Switch exclusives that in all honestly, I didn’t need to play. The other being 2D Mario. With all the Marvel stuff they can do, I don’t want a budgeted isometric AA title like MUA3. I want bigger and better. So hoping if they do any Marvel games, it’s something else.

I remember sony fanboys port begging for it

They should be happy they didn’t get it. If it was me, I would say, Nintendo can keep it. lmao.

Even that one? Are they really so entitled?

yep its very much the spider-man and wolverine situation except its in reverse where the sony fanboys who brag about exclusives miss out on one they wanted lmao

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The gears collection wouldn’t be a waste of time tbh - The original 3 aren’t even on PC are they so wouldn’t it be great for PC gamers to experience them in an updated way?

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cant wait for what double fine does next

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I’m good with it if it’s not by Coalition themselves, because that would be a waste of time and resources.

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I’ve got dibs on Harvey Birdman

no doubt thats gonna be exclusive

Microsoft just spent $70 billion just to have this co-op survival game exclusive.

Not for everything in the Acti-Blizz deal.

Just this one game specifically.

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A new game as new IP? Well, what progress we’re making already.

that’s a pretty small number of roles they are hiring for, i’m guessing they are already staffed up for this mostly?

I love how it just says PC and console haha you know exactly what they’re doing, usually it says consoles.

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Xbox: “Oh man, that survival co-op new IP by Blizzard looks awesome. Let’s get it on GamePass Day 1!”

Bobby: “Over my sold company”



There will probably still be many things to announce

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javy needs to update his list of upcoming xbox games now.

might as well make it your full time job!