Xbox Game Studios |OT8| Leaving The Drought Behind And Heading For Starfield

The source article no longer seems to work but somebody on GameFAQs had paraphrased it. And tbh this might be translated, so maybe not be exact words but it was still interesting.

Here are some quotes in the actual article:

“With that in mind, the controls are much easier than in some of our past titles. You may have seen, at EVO last year, that in the finals, all the finalists were Japanese. We don’t want that. We want a global audience to have fun. We want to see more foreign players in competition. With that in mind, we kind of reset everything and re-created the controls so everyone can have fun.”

"GamesBeat: Do you feel that there’s a way to design controls with Japanese players in mind that Western players may not quite grasp?

Mori: I feel that controls are something that everybody can understand regardless of nationality. But I just wanted to make it easier and bring down that hurdle.

At the same time, I feel like dexterity … Japanese players may be better at that. In my mind, games like Smash Bros. are where Westerners are much better than Japanese … that kind of game you jam buttons a lot, right?"


Sure more accessibility and lower barrier of entry are very good things to pursue, but tying that to nationality is kinda weird lol.

So just imagine if this kinda mentality is engrained at a level like this, what other things might be informed by said mentality too

Might be a reach but why not extrapolate that to “Why even care about releasing on Xbox if the west is simply too dumb and scrubby to play our games”. Sure that might not be the biggest driver of motivation, but it can contribute to it, especially if the platform already isn’t as popular for your kinda games.


Wow, if that is an accurate translation then… Well, yeah, not a good look :sweat_smile:

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I very much doubt it. Microsoft still owns KI. If BN are making it, then they are simply being used for the workload and someone else is probably the creative director.

what first party Xbox game has the best theme song and soundtrack? You can include IPs they’ve acquired as well, so stuff like Pillars of Eternity, Bards Tale and all of Bethesda etc. is qualified.

I can only hope the new Fable has music as good as this

Ori, Halo, TES, DOOM are the immediate ones that come to mind for me as Xbox franchises with the strongest musical identity.

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Hopefully. It’s a style more appealing to people who play fighting games.


Love this Klob :slight_smile:

Would love to see what it would look like with all the icons in colour


I’d just change the whole fighting style and art style.

The fighting style is the most unique part about KI though, that is one thing they should always keep. I do think a new art style is a must to draw in a bigger audience.


when the song started i knew this will be one of my favorite games , not to take anything away from skyrim but oblivion was just perfect


Yea at least change the artstyle.

Speaking of first party themes. Here are the top 5 I love.

  1. Halo - Black Tower. Esp at the 3:50 mark. The chills. Black Tower - YouTube

  2. Fable - Oakvale. Just sounds so peaceful. Fable - "Oakvale" - YouTube

  3. Gears of War - Heroic Assault. Gets the blood pumping! Gears Of War 2 [Music] - Heroic Assault - YouTube

  4. Skyrim main theme. Again gets the blood pumping! Skyrim Theme Song - Full (Dovahkiin Song) - YouTube

  5. Fallout main theme. Chilling. Main Title - YouTube

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Starfield is much closer than we think. Looking back, the wait between the Xbox Series launch and Halo Infinite really wasn’t that bad. Looking forward to Xbox Game Pass this year, but I’m really looking forward to Starfield. It’s quickly become my most anticipated game this generation and we’re only in 1 year so far. Looking back I’ve spent so much time playing Fallout 3, Skyrim, New Vegas, Fallout 4, and yes Fallout 76. This is going to be the first new IP from Bethesda and that has me pretty excited.

Say what you want about Obsidian for their quality of writing but they really need to push the needle with The Outer Worlds 2 if they want people interested in it again. Seems like a lot of people really hated the first game, personally I thought it was a good foundation and enjoyed my time with it.


Vocal minority for those who didn’t like the game


I’m the only person I know who finished the game irl, most of my friends were excited to try it day one on game pass but nobody I know finished it. A lot of people call it mid.

Mostly because expectations among casuals were too high for an AA game, they thought it was going to be Fallout in space and its just not at that level yet.

That’s most gamers to be fair, people rarely ever complete games. Let alone RPG’s.


I’m prob one of the few that liked outer worlds more than fallout 4


I’m excited to see where it goes regardless. With Tim Cain, a large team after Avowed is complete and the backing of Xbox Game Studios we’ll hopefully see a fully expanded AAA game out of The Outer Worlds 2 that can stand next to its Fallout and Elder Scrolls siblings.
