Xbox Game Studios |OT8| Leaving The Drought Behind And Heading For Starfield

@QuietGamer90 posted this in the Halo thread and it’s a great article.

It’s so very true too, every combat encounter is a joy to take on because of the stuff the enemies say. And the stuff they say makes sense too, the dialogues suit each different enemy.

This makes me wish many more games will get this. I now really want to see enemies in TES VI communicate with each other and to the player in a similar way. In Halo Infinite enemies don’t only taunt Chief but they also have conversations with each other at times, it’s brilliant. I now want this in Avowed, Fable, Perfect Dark, and just so many more games in the future. It adds so much.

It’s not that it’s anything new, Far Cry has this too but not on the level of Halo Infinite does.


I’ve been spending so much time playing Fallout 76 over Xbox Cloud Gaming, it feels native.

I’m starting to really enjoy this game, hopefully the Pitt expansion makes this game popular again.

Credit to for this amazing picture of all ESO zones.


I haven’t been able to ascertain for sure whether it’s indeed true at my end, but Nick has a solid track record on his sourcing.

I have also heard the vaguest of unsubstantiated rumors that one of Bandai Namco’s fighting game development teams may be involved, although I haven’t been able to independently verify that yet myself.

@Shpeshal_Nick do you think it could be one of Namco’s teams?

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I find it unlikely, T7 on Xbox is shit.

Does Bandai/Namco have fighting game teams outside of the Tekken devs?

Maybe. But I got to say, if this is true, their relationship is interesting. No, I don’t think Xbox will buy Bamco, but I think there will be some benefits coming down the road.

I think Bandai/Namco as whole is big team handle all the games, there no studio for Tekken 7.

anyway KI reboot by JP Devs would be interesting

probably leads of Soul Caliber VI would work on it while harada works on Tekken 8.

hope they keep netcode though, this mustn’t change.

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my question with japanese fighting game dev for KI is how their netcode will be (given how arcade is still a big way to play fighters in Japan, most of these devs have until very recently ignored modern online play standards). KI is known to be one of the best fighters when it comes to netcode and the potential sequel/re-reboot cannot be worse than 2013.


hopefully lead of XGSP working on this project would push for better netcode.


does MS still have the engine for the 2013 KI?

I think that can be upgraded to the modern gen visual and animation standards while keeping/improving the already great netcode. Iron Galaxy didn’t start from scratch, no reason why this new dev needs to either, or use their own tech for it. Just carry over. That way if Bandai takes that dev away for their own thing sometime down the line, the engine won’t go with them.

i think the engine owned by double helix, idk about the deal though. they will probably switch to UE


UE is more familiar to JP devs so they would probably go with it


nice way to say Arc System Works. :fire:


aren’t they independent ? this probably perfect buy for MS. a studio in japan and fighting studio.

yeeaah thats not happening lol

nice to dream tho


His sources have been thus far been very accurate when it comes to the KOTOR Remake. In fact, that source is 4/4. And he’s not the only one who thought Starfield could release in 2021. Pretty sure Grubb, Nick and others thought 2021 was a possibility. None of them ruled it out until the actual date was revealed.

MS lost their phone number, lol.

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I think xbox also want to bring KI to arcade again and bandai is prefect for this.