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Not that it looks very good but check out Minimal Affect. May interest a big ME fan. I know I’ll be checking it out when it releases.

Undead Labs | Inclusive Design Workshop

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A new set of Forza-themed Hot Wheels is coming out in… September!

Interesting landscape aswell :eyes:


Hmmmm, FH5 Mexico September release confirmed :rofl:

It wouldn’t be a stretch :stuck_out_tongue:

Every Forza Horizon game since 2 came out in the last Tuesday of September.

Forza Horizon 5 is releasing on September 28, 2021. Mark my words!


Fine by me, hope you’re right haha.

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Dont care about Forza but its an XGS being potentially released …

I Guess If You Say So GIF

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That doesn’t look like the UK countryside, that’s for sure.

Don’t pretend to be a hype for a game you have no interest in just for your weird list wars.

Apparently this showed up on Microsoft Store database. Guesses?

Idk but I was about to go to sleep and now I can’t do anything but brainstorm

Kinda reminds me of Jade Empire, but i want to be connected with reality, so it’s probably something from Ubisoft


Close, lets see which one it is haha

Has that Musou game aesthetic. So wouldn’t surprise me if it’s a new Destiny Warrior or something.

Why did you have to put Jade Empire out there! Now my heart hurts!

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Damn it. Why Ubisoft art style is so recognisable even without a clue that it’s from them

Yeah it does suck. I can’t put any blame on Bethesda because they’ve not said anything regarding release dates but it’s a shame how we’ve gone from so called insiders saying the game is done more or less, to it’s coming 2021 to Q1 2022 to now possibly Fall 2022!

If the game needs more time then good it’s getting the time needed as it could be Microsoft’s biggest new franchise in terms of hype and anticipation since probably Gears of War at it’s peak. Just wish we didn’ t get all these teases and hints about how the game was due somewhat soon.

If it is a year out it does beg the question what we’ll get from it at E3? I reckon probably an announcement, in game/engine trailer. I would love it but i’d be surprised if they do a deep dive this E3 when there’s possibly another E3 to come before the game comes out.

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I think a general premise trailer that shows off some of the world, teases the story etc

You guys need to remember how shit can change not only during a pandemic year but even when there isn’t a pandemic going on. For all we know Bethesda was relying heavily on a 3rd party QA team that was supposed to help with Starfield but couldn’t due to an overload of work from other developers. We just don’t know what is happening behind the scenes, Microsoft and Bethesda probably 100% thought it could come out this year with the support of external teams but maybe they couldn’t help as much as they needed which leads to things like this.

I’m not saying this is what happened or claim I know how it all works but it most likely is common right now that things can look good but suddenly change because of covid.

If the game is as big as they say they could show a lot, at least I think we’ll get gameplay for sure. I think we’ll get a 5-10 min gameplay trailer with VO with Tod or a chat after the gameplay trailer.