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Just to add to the discussion about future Minecraft games skipping PlayStation. Roblox skips PlayStation and it does just fine. Microsoft should market Xbox ads with Roblox or do a special edition with Roblox consoles and controllers.


MSFS 2020 has a 10-year support and updates plan… i think Halo Infinite too.

unless there is a Minecraft 2… this game will receive updates and support for a long time too.

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Id like to see Mojang actually contribute something to xbox owners only.


Maybe we should get Mojang to optimize their current games for Series X/S first…

For a first-party studio, they sure don’t do a great job at supporting the first-party hardware.

I was surprised that Dungeons was multiplatform. It’s probably best just to think of Mojang as its own separate entity within Microsoft that happens to fall under Xbox technically.

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Don’t know if this happened since season 7 is out now in spartan ops master chief’s armor is your character in first person but when you are in traditional multiplayer it’s your customized spartan like normal

Edit: in the official halo discord I’ve been told it’s a known glitch

Halo infinite on my birthday would be sweet.

From IO I hoped a Xbox exclusive would be in the areas they excel in, but I can’t blame them for wanting to try new things. They’ve been on Hitman for a long, long time now too.

And besides they have 007 too. Man, IO is gonna be busy as hell for many years to come. Seems like Agent 47 will get a real break.

Hmm, I see.

But of all companies IO could go to MS does make the most sense. MS is willing to take a chance and if it fails, it fails. The kind of money MS can burn, basically, they can afford to take these risks.

Not sure if the game is going to be for me, because a Diablo like thing doesn’t really do much for me. I mean I think those games are alright but I assumed this was going to be a third or first person shared world kind of thing. Also with a isometric view there’s only so much you can do.

I’m not at all familiar with Sea of Thieves’ roadmap, it’s not 10 years, is it?

From the sound of Forza Motorsport it seems like it’s going to be a platform that will offer at least a few years. If Microsoft came out next E3 and said it was a 10-year platform I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.


Minecraft was released in 2011, no? About to hit 10 years of support in that case. Other stuff I can think of includes PSO2 for 9 years, and I think FF XIV (the new version) has been supported for 8 years and shall continue to be supported. So clearly it isn’t out of the realm of possibility. I can see them bringing new expansions and stuff every year or so.




GOTY 2022 :raised_hands:

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I would add GTA Online and Warframe is I believe 8 years old now and Rainbow 6 is coming up to 6 years, so these long supported games are becoming not that uncommon for better or for worst.

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Yeah I think so too. I mean some people say why do you have so much faith in Howard? He hasn’t made a amazing game in years.

They mean Fallout 4 with that too, and while RPG wise it was a step down from Fallout 3 for sure I still had one hell of a time with that game. Fallout 76 so clearly was not Howard’s next big game, it was kinda marketed like that but we all know it really wasn’t.

Now he’s 1.5 years away from releasing his new IP since forever and is bringing back of the RPG stuff we’ve missed in Fallout 4 especially. It’s his baby,it’s the big one and has potential to become the next “Skyrim” too. once the next E3 happens and the deep dive has happened it will be November before you know it.

I totally agree, Minecraft dungeons should’ve been exclusive. I know Minecraft is huge and a platform in and of itself, but Xbox should be swinging that weight around to encourage brand association and incentivise people to come into the ecosystem.

Most people forget that Minecraft is owned by Microsoft. It says a lot about how that is handled, they just use it for passive revenue generation when I feel they could take advantage for Xbox.

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But Did Notch or Mojang said in 2010 or 2011 it’s going to be a game with a plan for at least 10 years of updates? That’s a bit difference :wink:

Anthem was also planned to be a 10-years game and we know how it ended.

I dunno, don’t think so. But I’m saying that it IS possible and has been done. Whether they actually stay true to that depends.

Agree. Does MS really need that revenue anymore ? They probably made their money back and then some for a while now. It bothers me that they’re the only ones still supporting other platforms.

Is it risky to have Minecraft 2 exclusive to your platform ? Yes. Can it backfire and kill off the brand ? Maybe. Is it worth taking that risk ? ABSOLUTELY. I mean MS doesn’t need that revenue now with gamepass. It’s all about growing gamepass right ? What better way to grow that by making the next Minecraft, if it happens at all, exclusive to your ecosystem. Isn’t Minecraft the most popular (kids) game, of all time ? And doesn’t gamepass need E-rated exclusive content ? What better way than Minecraft 2. It could really bring in a lot of kids to your ecosystem. Which is the audience you want to capture the most since they’ll stick with you much longer. I bet this possibility scares the ish out of Sony lol.

Though I think Minecraft will never get a sequel imo. They’ll keep updating it at most.

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HITMAN III is a single-player game, but IOI already made it as live service/game-as-a-service with these monthly updates, activities, seasons, weekly content. Maybe that :dragon: for Xbox Game Studios will be similar but just for more players as well.


We know for sure (as sure as something unofficial can be) that it’s like a Diablo type game in terms of camera view, right? Which game was it that insiders said was shared world? I thought it was the Dragon game , but hmm…guess not.

But are such games meant to be lasting for like 10 years or so?