Xbox Game Studios |OT5| DOOM posting not allowed. Except for posting about DOOM

“We had people who we hired who hated Halo because of ‘X,’” says O’Connor. “But what that really meant was, ‘I feel like this game could be awesome because of ‘Y input’ that I’m going to bring into it. I want to prove it, and I’m passionate about proving it.’ So we ended up with a bunch of people who were genuinely passionate about the product. That is a huge advantage, and that helped in hiring and forming our team.”

“It’s during that time you’re questioning yourself: 'How is this going to work, will it be as I envision it in my head?” says Holmes. For Halo 4 , he says there were a few epiphany moments that helped boost the morale of the team. One of the earlier ones that Holmes recalls was when the team completed a small piece of the Halo experience that he described as a “very traditional” Halo. User research showed that people thought it was a lot of fun, and it showed that the team was capable of making a Halo game that was true to what the series was about.

“343 scrapped it, Holmes says, as it was too traditional. But that first build showed the new team that this amalgamation of different studio cultures could work together and achieve a common goal.”

I think it’s the lighting, still cool as hell.


I don’t know if this proves or disproves what I said.

Just giving some insight into the mindset of the studio at the time.

They clearly wanted to break the mold, just didn’t push into the right way.

I think that infinite feels like the natural evolution Halo needed.

I wonder how many clickbate articles this new artwork is gonna generate.

“Did Microsoft pull Starfield at the last minute? Why is it missing from the artwork? Is this proof it’s actually multiplatform?”

EDIT: Do people not under humor?

You need to not worry about irrelevant things

This looks like some sort of video playing inside that artwork.

It was a joke about how trash clickbaity article are made. I don’t think they’re actually making those articles.

I’m sure some of them are. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I mean shit, half of the articles in the past few weeks have just been based off of OtheraERA, XboxEraPodcast and Xbox Two podcast/Jez tweets.

Poor @Shpeshal_Nick can’t even have a burrito without people thinking it’s some kind of leak or tease.

Same with Jeff “Majestic Hair” Grubb. He speculates and randomly thinks outloud and everybody takes it at face value.

Poor guys.



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You realize that was from 2012 basically


I know. It shows 343’s treating Halo like a typical corporate widget instead of an organic passion project. I specifically mentioned Halo 5 and how it looked like it was designed by the same focus group that helps design boy band’s hair styles or the packaging of women’s sanitary products.

Oh ok after that tho lot has changed at that studio

looks like the wheels are lit from explosions or projectiles. Resolution is low but looks like there is a rocket flying in from the right.

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Didn’t Colt or Rand say somewhere on Twitter (or anywhere else) that we could have something from Xbox at Geoff’s Kickoff? Something like this caught my eye few days ago.

I have no idea why you think diversity and inclusion are the reasons Halo 5’a story was mediocre.

This shows me that 343 wastes too much time with focus groups and stupid BS like that when talented people don’t need people to tell them how to make a good game.

This is also patently not true, focus groups are a tried and true way of getting feedback in early development. Don’t cherry pick.


Some Game Pass announcements maybe. Xbox used to have Elden Ring co-marketing so maybe that? Maybe deeper dives into the Gunk and As Dusk Falls?

They’re going to keep making Halo games, there won’t be any confusion.

Whoever made that montage… It’s great! Especially with that botleg/remixed version of XGS intro music.

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