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I love Crackdown 1-2… but Crackdown 3 epitomizes a period of Xbox, more specifically it’s mess of a development cycle, I would like to forget. :smile:

Project Typhoon is a Crackdown MMO by Avalanche! Will be great.


I uh… think I want that actually. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I know right!

It will have innovative stuff too, but it will be back to a more grounded, but also fun Halo, if you get what I mean. That, I like.

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This. Rarely do games with this time and budget bomb. The ones that do, like Cyberpunk, didn’t bomb from a game or sales perspective but was due to self-inflicted wounds like performance on lower platforms and poor, deceptive communication.

Halo Infinite avoided the Cyberpunk situation by delaying the game one year. From a content and gameplay perspective the chances of it totally bombing or being a huge disappointment is very slim. Like you said, as bad as a story as Halo 5 was with how they handled the two teams, the game itself was still very fun.


Halo no longer needs to the crutch or flagship IP for Xbox anymore.

I mean, they own Doom, Quake, Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

Vault-Boy could more of a mascot Flagship IP than Halo.

Let Halo reset, refocus, and renew itself.

I wouldn’t mind if Infinite and it’s “platform” was the only signifcant Halo title of Gen 9.

Let 343 rehire, reshuffle, and basically spend as much time as they need to figure out Halo.


As for Arkane’s next game, I could swear last year there was a job posting or something like that and what we gathered from there was that it would have some kind of MP or online mode. I remember this very well, just can’t put my finger on it.

This was before the acquisition though, and I also recall that under Zenimax it was starting to look like Arkane was going towards more online games. I guess it’s possible they scrapped it?

Would personally be in favour of that, Arkane rocks at SP games, quite much so! Prey is so damn great! Dishonored too of course.

FWIW, Deathloop is technically online and requires an internet connection so it could be htat.

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Its been 4 games in charge (5 if we count Taking over Reach) and like a decade Prog.

I’m sure Joseph won’t leave 343i until he feels they can walk on their onw.

He must be drilling what Halo is into their heads right now, I feel he’ll make 1 or 2 campaigns for the infinite platform, then bail.

Maybe they’re slow learners because they had to carry a significant weight as a flagship series before the expansions of the first party teams.

Pressure does a lot of shit to people.

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Hmmm, that is indeed possible! Good point.

Jonah Hill GIF

Tho Ill agree I wont mind if Infinite is the only “main” Halo this gen (granted its good).

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Man you negative bro.

And that’s coming from me.

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Hmm indeed.

The wheels appear to be on fire

…I think they’re gonna show Halo this Sunday :open_mouth:

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Also is that blood gulch?