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Grubb did not mentioned Avowed iirc during the Games Mess. He was on the Spawncast though. I’ll give it a listen tonight and see if I find anything.


He did indeed say that. But then they did show the Everwild trailer, which if we are to believe EvilBoris was not a game yet at that time. Maybe Xbox just really wanted to give something to the fans during XO, but still.

Thank you very much, much appreciated! :smiley:

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after the Fallout 76 flop. i think Bethesda Game Studios wants to redeem itself with fans. i think Starfield will be great. they will not make the same mistakes as FO76. :slightly_smiling_face:

trust Joseph Staten :wink:. Halo Infinite will also be great. they improve a lot of the graphics. very excited to see Halo. :green_heart:

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New thread, yay!

This might be the one with the E3 of Dreams! Right, guys? …guys?

Yeah I think you have a point in them needing something for XO. Until they get to a regular release schedule, it’s probably difficult for them to decide on what to show early and not. Considering how many games announced last year were CGI, they were all probably announced too early. They probably chose to show that much of their hand since it was leading up to a console launch.


I disagree in regards to showing games early.

  • Halo Infinite - June 2018
  • Everwild - November 2019
  • Hellblade 2 - December 2019
  • Fable - July 2020
  • Avowed - July 2020
  • Forza Motorsport - July 2020
  • Perfect Dark - December 2020

Estimated Release Date -

  • Halo Infinite - November 2021 (almost 3 1/2 years after reveal)
  • Everwild - TBA (will be two years in November since it’s reveal)
  • Hellblade 2 - Most likely 2023 (over 3+ years after reveal)
  • Fable - Most likely 2023 (could be just under or over 3 years after it’s reveal)
  • Avowed - Maybe 2022 (this would be the quickest turnaround between reveal and release, estimated 2+ years)
  • Forza Motorsport - Fall 2022 (just over 2 years)
  • Perfect Dark - Maybe 2023 (under 3 years)

I’m not including Bethesda because they haven’t revealed anything since Microsoft acquired them and im not going to include/count what they showed before being acquired.

In my eyes, any game that’s released 2+ years after it’s reveal is showing the game too early.

So for E3 2021, I would NOT be shocked to see games get announced/revealed that end up being more than 2 years away from being released.

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In for the new thread, really excited about Xbox Game Studios content going forward!


In fairness, all of these platform holders announce things way in advance:


Fire Emblem Three Houses - 2.5 Years Before Release

Metroid Prime 4 - Lol

Bayonetta 3 - Lol

BOTW - 4 years


TLOU 2 - 3.5 Years

Ghost of Tsuhima - 3 Years

Spider-Man - 2.5(?) Years


I’m sure games like Forza and Halo get a pass within Xbox because they are guaranteed to come out. This recent Forza is also the first that I can think of in a long time that wasn’t announced the same year it was released. Also as I said in my follow up post, I’m sure they decided to show a lot of games so early last year is because it was leading up to a console launch. They already announced games that aren’t launching until 2022, so I’d be surprised if they announce too many more games this early.


Agreed. I think the consistency of release is most important and after last gen, MS has publicly talked about being more careful about it. So while they will still announce games too early, at least we can have some confidence that they’ll stick with those games unlike before.


We’ll see. I look at it this way…if some of the games have been internally delayed/pushed back due to various reasons, I can see them revealing games that are further out because if the games are further out from being released, the next best thing is revealing other new games.

True but Microsoft cancelled Scalebound and their games were more miss than hit where as Sony (and Nintendo for that matter) had more hits than misses. A game can take years but im much more confident in Sony/Nintendo than I am Microsoft until they prove it to me.


Oh they’ll surely announce new games, not saying otherwise. They just need to be careful on how to market games going forward. We already see it with Everwild where they have shown a couple trailers and really need to show gameplay next or it won’t look good.

That’s true. None of Sony’s games had gameplay right from the get go. Horizon ZD I think was debuted directly with gameplay. Probably one of the rare occasions then because U4 had a CG trailer at first too.

Agreed. I personally believe that Microsoft should hold games until gameplay is ready to be shown because it gives more confidence in that revealed game than showing a CGI trailer does.

To be fair they can get away with it lol.


Like others have said, consistency is key. Xbox had promising games cancelled last-gen, Sony and Nintendo delivered everything.

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Horizon, Days Gone and God of War all had gameplay shown in their reveal. Spider Man was a year later. Tsushima was 8 months later. TLOUP2 was the longest wait for gameplay…18 months later.

Totally agree. The over-reliance on CGI was my biggest disappointment with last year’s show. CGI is tired, old, and rarely does a good job of informing gamers of what to expect when they pick up the controller.

I think they just went with it last year so they can announce a bunch of games leading up to a console launch.