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Microsoft is changing the culture and ruining The Best studio they have In only 3 months
And studio like obsidian ( have less fans / less on the number of sales on their games/ not expensive like bethesda / etc) is under microsoft for nearly 3 years and this not happend and even the devs said the opposite
And bethesda is a hand off more than obsidian ( they not under xgs hand ) Lol and Even if there a chance and that happened. do you think someone like Jason Schreier will not report it?
How much of Stupidity should i have to believe him?
Just thinking what if something happened before like ( arkane founder and some devs left the studio and formed a new studio ) if it happened while they under microsoft
Or something like ( fallout 76 even if it was in a good shape when it released) Microsoft ruined bethesda and they put a gun twords Todd Howard to making him work in online game they turned them from single player studio to multiplayer games Studios rip elder scrolls vi ._. and etc
ZeniMax is a hand off from microsoft If anything bad happens in the the future don’t blame microsoft without a proof .

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Hahaha so much for this guy being a Valve insider huh. Destroyed whatever credibility he had going on for him.


How do youu even think this made up stuff can survive for a day? How can these fake insiders be so bad at this?

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Even if some veterans left Bethesda, think about why. They know Bethesda is going to grow and maybe don’t like that. Hoever, those veterans have been around for a while and received stock options and bonuses and then Microsoft just absolutely paid out for all that. These people are retiring, they don’t need to work anymore.

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god - these ps console warriors acting overtime. I don’t participate in this nonsense. But now, I want Xbox to buy a Japanese publisher, real bad.

Also, most of this is fuelled by Jaffe. I used to adore the guy for the GoW series, and then he slowly turned into a troll. What a tragedy.


Why is he replying to Nick? Nick is not claiming this.


How am I downplaying the Xbox hardware here.

You are clearly not understanding my opinion here.

What a clown, at least now we know this one is a complete fraud.

I mean, it doesnt look like a console wars. Idk if he is trustworthy or if he has sources in Bethesda etc. i dont think he expected his “rumor” to go viral…

now we know its unfounded. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think you need to see one of David Jaffe’s videos to understand where such things originate. And also why it is console warring by using proxy issues.

The root cause are not these ppl - IdleSloth or Tyler Mcvicker. The root cause is the ppl behind the scenes working hard to start such rumours like Jaffe.

David Jaffe - concern trolling about XGS
Colin Moriarty - the concern trolling about Gamepass sustainability

Also, I hope we start trusting Journos like Jez/Jeff/Brad over random ppl like idlesloth and Tyler.


But who originated this bullshit? This McVicker or someone else?

I prefer to stay away from these people. :philyuck:

he is not an insider, he only brings news from the Xbox. :sweat_smile:


What a horribly thought out concern troll. Microsoft has owned Bethesda for three months during all that time I would expect 99% of the workers to be completely working from home.

How would Microsoft even change culture in this environment? Make them switch to Teams from Slack.

Should have just stated the devs were so offended they wouldn’t be making playstation builds of their games so they quit in protest

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Good to know. Those that retired are the ones Skullzi was making a big deal out of for very shortly, until he wasn’t.


Wow that’s beautiful

McVicker started it, and then quickly retracted it after several ppl including Jez started refuting this.

Super stuff!


Of course. Not being able to work on The Console, these poor devs are now devastated. There is crying in the offices, support groups and people are now leaving so that they once again can work on The Console.

I imagine this is exactly how these PS-fans are picturing the situation. It is how they would act so makes sense.