Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

No matter if the Zenimax board was dissolved or not (I believe it was), they would be able to have the Bethesda studio under MSFT be the legal acquirer (meaning a new dev would merge into the Bethesda part of the corporate structure) but it would still be seen as a MSFT acquisition.

It wouldn’t change anything from our perspective either. Even if they acquire a dev who really wants to be part of Bethesda, it’s still a dev working for Xbox. Also the fat stack of cash/stock wouldn’t be coming directly from Bethesda; that’s why most aspects of M&A look at the companies on a consolidated basis unless there’s reason to look at specific subsidiaries.

I think in theory they can, yes. As a more concrete example, LinkedIn also made acquisitions while being under the Microsoft banner.


So do you think Microsoft would have better success acquiring Japanese developers under the Bethesda umbrella then through the XGS arm? Bethesda is already established in Japan through Tango.

Other than for organisational reasons I don’t think it would make any difference. Phil is beloved and respected across the entire industry, so whether they would put a theoretical additional Japan studio under the XGS and Bethesda flag ultimately won’t matter. One might argue that Matt Booty already has a lot of studios and teams to overwatch though, but that’s just a personal note.


So you’re saying the answer is to acquire Sega.

Gotcha. Read ya loud and clear.

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If you want a loud and clear post by me: they won’t acquire Sega :wink:


Clearly this is double speak. I’m onto your coded messages Squirrel…

Or should I say… :philwins:

I mean, we’ve never seen @Klobrille and @XboxP3 at the same place at the same time.

Additionally, when @Klobrille was at X019 in Germany, Phil was also there…



I think it will be Bethesda who acquire IOI and Nordisk

Finally someone who agrees


What did it purchase?

That’s definitely not what I wanted to hear :sob:


in 2021 for sure.


Any hints Klob as to who is next?

Even if he knew he wouldn’t tell us.

He’s gone corpo on us.

Love you :chipmunk:

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Ive never really seen Sega as a realistic acquisition target tbh lol. So Klob saying that doesnt surprise me and it has nothing to do with it being a japanese studio.

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Great, somebody took a screenshot of @Klobrille and myself’s Sega conversation and put it on Twitter.

King Ragnar commented on it and retweeted it.

King Ranger is now meta-commenting on my posts.


You’re going places, I see. You could be an insider next. :valle:

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WHY THE WINK?!?!:joy::sob::joy::sob:

I won’t lie. I’m a little tired because of the persistent acquisition discussions.

Xbox has the largest first-party organization today. I’ve been speculating and discussing new studios since 2018, and I am happy where Xbox first-party is today. And now there even seems to be an even bigger gaming-orientated acquisition possibly happening with Discord. Will they add more studios in the future? Probably. Will they do that short-term? Probably not. Adding Bethesda to your roster is not the sure-fire success some want it to be if all the studios and teams won’t receive proper attention, time and resources.

The Sega acquisition stuff has no foundation. It’s unfounded. And there is no solid source. It’s really time to move on. It gets boring to never be happy with what we got, but instead always just focus on what could be added.

I want to talk about the games. And Xbox has to prove that they can translate the amount of talent they have added into high-quality games for their ecosystem. I know they can and will achieve that, but it’ll require the right focus.