Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

Let’s not call The Outer Worlds “Fallout Lite.” Obsidian is already working on Avowed and Grounded in addition to a sequel The Outer Worlds (possibly another small project as well).

There’s space for multiple RPGs, FPSs, TPSs, Simulations, Platformers, etc. I don’t see how Xbox isn’t already considered extremely diverse.

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TOW isn’t Fallout Lite? Put gameplay of each game side by side and ask the general gaming public.

As far as the diversity of games, Phil said they needed to diversify himself. Feel how you feel though, makes no difference to me lol. Besides, aren’t 5-6 studios are working on RPGs right now?

Tbh I got no problems with ToW since even tho they look similar to Fallout I can say Obsidian has a different feel to their stuff and I played ToW totally different to Fallout 3 or 4.

My point is more of we need more games and Ip’s being worked on (TOW2 yes) instead of going back to relying on the same slate of games. Fallout will come in due time and there is no need to rush it if Bethesda wants to work on it eventually. I want Obsidian to do their own stuff and not be slapped with an IP that isnt theirs.

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I disagree with the idea that somehow MS has to cover every base with first party. Would that be nice, sure, but you can cover holes in FP output with quality third party deals. Its more important to have an identity.

Sony - is big time cinematic/third person action adventures

Nintendo - is the Disney of video games. Instantly recognizable mascots/family friendly

Microsoft looks like they can establish themselves as a absolute powerhouse of RPG and FPS games.

They have indie and third party deals + Game Pass to help cover any weaknesses. At the very least until they are able to put together quality first party offerings in those genres.


I’m not sure that was what he said…

The only reason I disagree with this is cause Gamepass is MS focus



P.S. - Loved The Professional. And I still own the original DVD. What an excellent movie.

We know the majority of what they’re doing. Avowed (main project), Grounded (small team, about to release), ToW DLC 2, with a few more projects in pre-production.


Just like I don’t want Microsoft to only have first person shooters and first/third person RPG’s, I don’t want them to have only Sony type games either but a good balance would be welcomed.

I do believe that Hellblade 2, Perfect Dark, Gears 6 (eventually) and Indiana Jones fit this category. If I can get a solid amount at high quality combined with everything else at high quality, I will be extremely happy. :joy:

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Obsidian needs to keep doing for xbox what they are doing right now. Avowed, ToW2, Josh Sawyer, Grounded and apparently 2 more things.

Thats good for me.


Yeah I’ve seen the announced projects. Just not interested in fallout & morrowind adjacent games since Xbox already has those titles. Hope Avowed is nothing like Morrowind though. I’m REALLY hyped for that game.

Grounded is something new and refreshing as well. I can’t wait until it “officially” releases.

Obsidian and BGS games feel so different that I don’t think we have to worry in the slightest.

Xbox Game Studios OT5 SEGA When?

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I agree with having an identity but why rely on 3rd party deals to fill out gaps when you have enough studios to do so yourself???

Xbox Game Studios + Bethesda OT5 All Gloom, Where’s Doom?

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Because it’s going to take another two years or so to get that 1st party ball really rolling. The “fill out the gaps with third party game pass” will be what you use until 1st party is 3-4 huge games a year, and even then you might as well keep getting big games on game pass because it pushes subs.


Because you cant reinvent the wheel overnight and because the majority of the studios they own are studios that cater toward “core gamers”… You don’t buy a RPG powerhouse like Obsidian and say…okay…make kids games. Even a game like grounded that has a family friendly aesthetic isn’t typical family fare.

Thread assassinated. Gimme a tag! :slight_smile:

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This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 10000 replies. Continue discussion at Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It’s the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 2).