Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

Yes. He’s not a real insider. He works for an analyst company and gets press releases a week early and often pretends to know about surprise events “There is no Xbox Lockhart, it was scrapped months ago” … which ended up being bullshit.

He’s a real attention seeker which is why he tweets spoilers an hour before they happen.

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this game looks incredible


Coming from someone that works with system migrations all the time, though not in gaming. This doesn’t surprise me at all. The people selling the decision makers always stress how easy and simple things are and it won’t break anything and then there’s thousands of if or buts and delays involved.

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Didn’t Marvel map out the MCU movies/series for like 10 years or something?



no he said something about “unavowed” which had people scrambling for stuff and funnily enough, there’s a level or something in Perfect Dark with that name so people thought Perfect Dark was what he was alluding to, but it turned out to Avowed from Obsidian haha, but then in TGAs Perfect Dark got revealed anyway lol

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I wonder if the 3rd team at Rare is havig a better time the the Everwild team

what are you guys expecting out of Bethesda’s “Roundhouse Studios”?

Creators of The Quiet Man and Rune 2.

…and the original Prey


A new IP hopefully


i think they had a turbulent couple of years, legal issues etc + covid

let them regroup first imo


Honestly I’m just glad as hell that it isn’t any longer just Rare, 343,TC, PG and Turn10. So many other games to look forward to and it will all take time, sure, but I just have no idea what to expect from Rare at all. Sounds more and more like they should have waited with showing a trailer at all. This is assuming that what EvilBoris said is true.

Thank God it’s also for me not my most anticipated game either.


This here.

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This is the gen to establish franchises for Microsoft. Said it yesterday but kinda imperative that we go away from this gen with a handful of recognizable franchises that are viable long term and give sequels that generate excitement.


And the OG Prey and Hexen/Heretic (most of the team worked at Raven before, let’s be fair).

I’m thinking a spiritual successor to Hexen/Heretic that’s a first person shooter Soulslike… or they become a support studio for BGS or ZOS. Maybe Machine USA if that’s on the cards.


Exactly, I just think in the video game medium it causing chaos when you leave out a roadmap, but it seems most forms of entertainment do that. I guess only thing is Microsoft and other publishers need to be transparent about expected release date.

Isnt there some weirdness with the Heretic/Hexen license?

I’m expecting something in the survival genre, like a Rust type thing. Something I don’t really find all too interesting. My expectations are really low on this studio.

They’ve got one of the coolest names for a studio though. R O U N D H O U S E.

During the Bethesda round table they were talking briefly about this studio.

Even Me??? lol :thinking:

LMAO. Is it just me or does this not come across as intended? lol

Yeah, I personally would prefer all the studios to build, have and use their own proprietary game engines as opposed to depending/relying on an outside source.

Sorry for the quote within quote within quote but who’s this??? I don’t want to have the Xbox showcase (or any showcase for that matter) to be spoiled for me. Thanks.

I would love and hope that they would just resurrect the PREY 2 bounty hunter game even if it’s called something else. Just give me that game!!!

No god no. Xbox already has enough of these + Fallout 76, actual Rust and all the others.