Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

Where did you hear more about Omen?

I originally heard about it on era but on the xbox era podcast Nick had heard similar stuff from his own sources.

Oh yeah, i know all about Omen, but i didn’t know that XBERA Pod mentioned it. Gonna listen now, thx





Less than two minutes.


Very short with a release in July

Hell yes

Unfortunately no is my newest guess


Shadow drop short trailer


2021 :wink:

Less then 5 min




Compulsion yes everything else no.


Haha, oh I’ve been there a while now. Bought that badboy at launch and couldn’t stop playing. Doesn’t happen often for me, most games I take a break to play other stuff. I would pay good money to see a second one, and with that I mean PS5 game price money, haha. Please let it happen.


I wish Microsoft put a little more effort in their physical releases for Xbox. What happened to instruction manuals filled with beautiful key artwork and character information? All of that is gone and now games only come with the disc.

There is no Psychonauts 2 physical edition unless you backed the game on fig years ago, and its only for WIN/MAC/LINUX. Microsoft should release a physical copy for Xbox Series X and Xbox One systems.

Halo The Master Chief Collection should’ve come with more stuff, its neat we got a copy of nightfall digital but that’s about all we got, it should’ve came with a small manual sized booklet.

Same goes for you Bethesda, why does the Doom Slayer collection only come with a physical copy of Doom 2016 and a bunch of codes for the classics?

Arkane this is your 20th anniversary collection and it may as well have been the Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania double pack. one of the most disappointing looking physical collections I’ve seen. Their games are niche but their fans are hardcore fans. It should’ve been a little more exciting than two disc and a code for Dishonored 1 + Death of the Outsiders, even if it meant a higher price for the physical collection.

Fun fact, Dishonored 1, 2 Death of the Outsider and Prey are all available on GOG which means Bethesda has a DRM free release of the games. Instead of doing a fancy little PC release they just said “nope” and did absolutely nothing for PC gamers, even though Arkane is most commonly associated with PC games.

I am a Series S owner partially because I feel as though nobody but Nintendo puts effort into physical releases. I know for a fact that some of these physical collectors are hardcore. Please put a little more effort in it. The Nintendo switch has become the only platform I collect physical for nowadays.

Xbox Game Studios, most people are going to play your games through Game Pass or purchase them through digital stores now. The hardcore physical collectors who’ve been buying your games since the “Microsoft Games” days want to see better effort in physical releases, even if it means more limited amount of copies are available.

Netflix for example puts a ton of effort in the physical blu-ray releases for Stranger things, if physical games are going to start becoming more niche this generation maybe they should think about making their physical runs a little more special.

Microsoft’s best efforts for physical releases come from the PC side of things. Here is the Halo wars 2 physical release, created in collaboration with THQ Nordic.

Pretty neat right?

Now here is the Microsoft Flight Simulator PC copy

Fantastic. Beautiful. Looks great.

I think a neat little Physical copy of Psychonauts 2 should be something in the works for Xbox Series X and Xbox One. A lot of people like physical releases during the holiday season because its easily giftable.


Because its a waste of money in 2021 and people can just google it.


People who get physical want a little bit of something, otherwise they would just buy their games through the physical store.

I can assure you when I play Rune Factory 4 I’m googling things. But I’ve looked through the manual countless times because its neat.

The entire idea of a physical copy of Flight Simulator for PC is absurd yet it happened, and it comes with an entire flight manual

Digital editions of Microsoft games are “Play Anywhere”, making every copy of a physical game already less worth it because you only get 1 copy instead of two. For the people who collect physical they should at least get…something, you know?


I think Limited Run entered into a partnership with Xbox to address some of this:


The flightsim retail version is done In Germany. These are DVDs and I was surprised when they announced 10 CDs. But it sure looks cool.

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They would probably rather people buy digital than physical.

Thats cool and all but it doesnt change that its a waste of paper, color and money in 2021. It sucks because I liked to read that stuff before getting home and playing the game but eh it is what it is now.

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so do we think we will get any new studio announcements at E3? Talk of this seems to have died down.

No studio announcements at e3. my guess is E3 studio announcements won’t be a thing for a long time now that they have games to show. I think studio announcements will now be a 9am on a monday Phil Spencer XboxWire post thing. Take Bethesda for instance.

Keep the games at e3 and the business news on XboxWire/twitter.


No. Dont think any studio announcements this year.

I find it difficult for something to happen this year.

But… it does not mean that deals are being made backstage.

That is good. Studio acq gossip should be as little to nonexistent as possible for practical reasons. Increases the chances of secret buyout negotiations going through… I would expect these discussions to be much more guarded.

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The more milestones game pass hits will equate to Microsoft becoming more ambitious with Xbox.

  • Studio growth
  • Studio expansion
  • Budgets for first party increasing
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