Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

Like Forza Motorsport.


FM was an amazing short teaser. Just leave people drooling - in this case for the tech.


Like Everwild


Unlike Fable

Seeing as it may be further out, it is not suprising. But I agree with @beastmode10 . MS has shown what they could at the time, and not all CGI trailers.

Why - Fable was a good teaser. Everything is in-engine nowadays, anyway.

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There’s a time and a place for everything. Fable and Perfect Dark where acceptable CGI because it let you know that someone is working on an ip that had been gone for awhile. Example if they announced Banjo with a CG or in engine trailer that would be fine. But games that have been announced, they need to have some form of gameplay at their next showing. I also think if it’s an unsurprising announcement like State of Decay 3 or Forza Motorsport then you should have some type of gameplay ready to show for it. If you don’t then just wait a little, it’s fine. Example and I doubt this happens, don’t show Forza Horizon 5 without gameplay. Everyone knows it’s coming.



If they are showing gameplay - you should expect even more – target release quarter.

If there are no release dates, then it would be just a case of Ratchet and Clank releasing in the “release window” as they said.

Was it though? Personally for me I saw just something in-engine which means absolutely nothing. Who came up with the idea of using in-engine trailers? It is like showing off a game based on Unreal by running the UE benchmarks.

Horizon Forbidden West / Everwild in (game) engine

Fable / State of Decay 3 CGI (no game engine)


I personally don’t need that. I can’t keep up with the games I want to play as is because Gamepass gives me so much. Just for example Everwild. I’ve seen that game twice and can’t tell you what it is. If they show it this summer, I should be able to have an idea of what it’s like to play that game. Same with Hallblade

In engine is a way to show how a game potentially looks. It does run through the game engine itself but it’s not realtime. (No gameplay)

It’s a way to showcase the potential graphics and art from a game without putting months into a game demo. Because a game demo early in development is basically the same. A highly polished presentation to showcase what the game is supposed to look like, just more flashy.

CGI on the other hand has NOTHING to do with the game engine and is solely created to set the mood for a game, is used as recruiting material, or a way to market something not ready to be shown.


Personally I rely only on gameplay footage. Everything else are just fakes basically.

If I wasn’t sure I’d catch either a ban or lot of flagging, I’d start a “It’s been X number of days since Microsoft/XGP/XGS announced an exclusive JRPG for the Xbox Ecosystem” chain shitpost.

But I’m just not strong enough.

It’s been 872.143 days since a Crackdown game launched and Microsoft still hasn’t announced Crackdown 4. Unbelievable :angry::triumph:


Yeah and you can do that still the fact is: in engine /= CGI

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I expect trailers made up of real time cut scenes, not necessarily “gameplay”.