Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

Indy is years away, 7-8 years. Actually think it hits at the end of the gen.

I wouldn’t go that far


I think it’s 4-5 years away. It’s likely a more linear game in the 15-30 hour range. It takes less time than these huge rpgs etc.


No game takes 7-8 years and Machine Games have nothing after Wolfenstein 3 which should be near done.

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7-8 years would be the middle of the next generation lol

Development hasn’t even started, and wont until Wolfenstein 3 hits. Dont expect this until 2027 at the earliest

It’s going to be a min of 6 years probs more

Not at all. A gen lasts about 8 years.

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They have a 2nd team and that 2nd team is on it. They are expanding and hiring more for that team now for this game.


Really dont think an Indiana Jones game will take 8 years to build lmao. I swear the things that get said in this forum sometimes are wild.

These people put out like 3 wolfenstein games this past gen and you are telling me a single indiana jones game will take them a whole gen?


From start to finish you’re looking at easily 6 years. You have such a naive view of the development process. These games take ages to make. Full dev on Indy wont start until 2022 so yea I think 2027-2028 for this

They’re still hiring and have yet to start even pre production

Like I said it doesn’t take that long to make that style of game. Normal dev time would be 3-4 yrs.

When was the internal push for The Avengers?

What is your source on them not even having started pre-production?


Development not starting for a whole extra 2 whole years??? Lmao

For an experienced dev sure. Machine have never made third person games before that’s assuming the game is that.

It wont be coming anytime soon

Throw in the recruitment process, pre production, then full dev. Things take time Javier. You fail to grasp this and will be disappointed

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Plus I dont think they would of announce if it was that far out

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It was a recruitment pitch. They want to attract talent to work on this. The game hasn’t even had the general concept down yet, it’s just that video that exists that’s it

The fact they released that teaser as to attract talent to come and work on it.