Xbox Game Studios |OT2| It's pronounced "Krayg" not "Kreg"

Its pretty save to discount. there’s nothing here but someone looking for internet clout to up his 16k followers.

then when halo or whatever actually shows something hell say he was right, and up goes the subs

rinse and repeat

Second last Monday before launch. Are we getting anymore surprises?

We should see Gears 5, FH4 optimised footage this week, hopefully from Digital Foundry.

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TBH I thought we would of seen more of the “Power your Dreams” marketing campaign that kicked off a couple of weeks ago. :man_shrugging:t4:

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ya I figure with this being the last major week before launch we get a lot of news on both consoles. I wonder what we will see this week. I heard ps5 embargos end on thursday

I can’t believe we are only 8 days away now! It is the first time I’m joining a new generation day one, and it is the first time I’m going with Xbox as my first option. Can’t wait!


You have to sleep more if you want to have more dreams :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My first non-Nintendo launch. Very excited

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While Xbox 360 was the first console I owned for the seventh generation, it was a few years after launch when I bought it. Xbox Series X is the first console that I will own for the ninth generation and the first time I have ever pre-ordered and purchased a console for day one.

Very much looking forward to it…super hyped as I want to play Watch Dogs Legion and see that glorious Ray Tracing on my LG 55" CX OLED!!! This week needs to zoom by!! lol


LMAO :joy: I’m dead!

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I don’t expect big news today, probably just the purchase of WB games. The usual.


:rofl: good one!

WB doesn’t make sense due to the IP being all licenses that MS would never own. After it being confirmed, that CDPR own The Witcher gaming IP, I think we see them getting bought next. The recent delay for Cyberpunk brought down thier value considerably.

  1. I thought it was pretty clearly a joke.

  2. New IP is a good thing.

  3. CDPR ain’t happening.


The Scorn special edition!

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It’s rather they acquire them or someone else will. This is a studio whose games sell between 25-30m each time. It will happen, the prestige and value in the studio is huge


Did the community managers for Halo even wish Chris Lee farewell?

You seem to forget CDPR is worth more then WB and MS would rather you get Gamepass then buy the game

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I think i remember someone from HCS did

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When all their studios start launching their AAA games it will be an embarrassment of riches. Fable, Avowed, Starfield, Halo, Elder Scrolls 6, Gears 6, Forza, and the list goes on. there is so much to look forward to on the big green box this time.


Yep so much promise

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