Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

I believe Jez re-state that PS5 version is not in work at this time. Could but not now.

This yes.

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I assume Greg must have played it on something not a PS5 to begin with.

To me it’s a pretty clear ‘Shattered Space is sounding amazing’

Bleeding Edge was really fun. And the soundtrack of it is still a banger. It’s just that when it came out a lot of Overwatch fans said it was derivative in character designs. I had never played Overwatch so don’t know. I had fun while I could still find games for it.

I listened to the podcast. He played it on the Series X. He loves the game and just wishes it’d come to PS just for his preference. He did enjoy the QOL changes and is looking forward to Shattered Space. He said he would have given more time to Starfiled rn except he’s really really into FO76 right now.


Yeah I mean I’m certain it will be ported, but i don’t think it’s 6D chess commentary

They have been putting a lot work into it type comment.

Good to hear you liked bleeding edge, friend was an animator on it, they were proud of it because they were seen as the B team and didn’t want to exhaust themselves on HB2 at the time.

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I second Enslaved: Odyssey to the West…in fact, would love a sequel. Come on Microsoft, give Bandai Namco a call and work out something for that IP. Let’s go!!

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Unfortunately, our click based online economy is all about “first” and “new.”

I’m pretty sure loads of games suffer because reviewers have to review the game that’s in front of them, rather than the updated version that comes along 6 months - a year (or more) later.

It’s very disappointing how often games release in a bad state and get fixed later, imo. Bad for the players, and the publishers and the developers, you could argue that for the developers it gives them plenty of data to work with, but nonetheless surely bad overall for them to have their game judged on the merits of a work in progress.

Only one chance to make a first impression.


Reviewers often feel pressured to tailor their reviews to expectations, as “people only want to hear what they wish to hear,” which is why ‘bias’ and ‘bumps’ are commonly observed.

On the other hand, the concept of ‘First Impressions’ can be somewhat of a marketing myth, especially evident in games with redemption arcs like SOT, Cyberpunk, and FO76, making it a rather complex subject. Anyway its interesting to read about ‘First Impression fallacy’ as its honestly a whole thread of its own (depends on how many touch points you have, negative to positive can net you more) .

The undercurrent of the current review cycle is just straight up SEO farming in my opinion.

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Greg Miller is a big fan of Starfield and one of its biggest champions. He did a 3-hour vid of him playing it the day the patch released and I think he’s on his 4th NG+ run, so nothing to do with a potential PS5 port in my opinion.


I ve read It somewhere It is supposedly Hellblade III.

While I do think gamers will give games another chance / go back to things (particularly Starfield, I did 100+ hours and may pop back for this patch, but I’m definitely going back for Shattered Space as I’ve already paid for it) I do agree on the sentiment about unfinished games.

It’s really starting to grate how many games now launch with missing features or have massive improvements made after release.

Bug fixes and some optimisations I can accept, or new modes to add endgame activities, fine - but to be introducing new mechanics, major overhauls and whole new content / major gameplay changes after release is just infuriating to me.

I generally play games when they first release to avoid spoilers, and because often I’m excited to play them - alternatively, if they’re not first-party on Game Pass I want to play them before they go, or I’m buying the game early on as I really like the look of it and want to back the developers.

To be fair to many smaller developers, they don’t do this - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden being a recent decent-sized example, and while some big developers do seem to lock it down before release (Hogwarts Legacy the biggest example recently, but Playground and Obsidian are usually good at this too as are a number of other big studios) it’s becoming rarer.

If I’m buying your game Day 1 and giving you amongst the most you’re going to get paid for your game, I expect the best experience - I do not expect to get a second-rate, bug-ridden, half-finished game that someone 6 to 12 months later will pay half the price and get twice the quality for.

Problem is, there doesn’t seem to be a way to stop it - I agree reviewers are under pressure so score what’s in front of them (and many don’t re-review it later on), have to take publisher’s promises at face value and it often seems if they give a bad review they’re not given codes for the next games.

While there’s some honest reviews about, too often we don’t know anything is up until we play it or the developers announce the “road map” of how they’re going to fix their game.

It really sucks as a large part of why I play games are the great stories they tell - and if you wait, too often some stupid gaming site’s headline gives the story away, or some moron elsewhere on social media - but I’m fed up of playing unfinished games.

Now, unless there’s a review from someone I trust and it’s from a developer I trust, I refuse to buy Day 1 and will wait - if a “road map” is announced I’ll wait till the end of it and see if I can be bothered to play their game then, when I can get it cheap…

But yeah it really, really sucks - even Starfield which I did put so much into, it sounds like so many new mechanics have been added that I wish had been there at the start, and I’ve too big a backlog to go and replay old missions so guess I’ll just wait for the DLC to really use them…

That’s basically it. There’s practically zero incentive to get a game day one if you look at it rationally.

I’m old enough to remember when games used to come with incentives to buy early, or preorder. Bioshock came with a 360 faceplate is one I can remember. But there were keyrings, or whatever too.

Now, the industry has created this culture of hype and impatience so people preorder because waiting even a day for the reviews to publish is too much to bear.

Pretty crazy.


Well said

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And I saw a comment that it was apparently always meant as a trilogy.

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I think trilogy will go like this




It’s interesting because Gaz seemed pretty certain H3 was greenlit, but it’s unclear to me if he means Jez meant this game. Because Jez iirc said it’s something we haven’t seen before. New IP? We know they have Mara in development as well.

With no Covid anymore a third one shouldn’t take nearly as long either.

2017 PS4 exclusive: Senuas Sacrifice - Masterclass of atmosphere and storytelling! - IGN 9/10

2024 Xbox exclusive: spellbinding adventure packed with cinematic spectacle that never wastes a second of its runtime! - IGN 8/10

Yeeeahhhh the Xbox tax is real. Anyways I’ll judge for myself, I’m at the start screen.

Btw PC Gamer gave the game an 58/100. :roll_eyes: of course they did lmao


PC gamer and Metro have cut and pasted segments of the same review.

Fortunately they are the exception


PC Gamer are beyond a joke in recent years - they generally give really low scores to games everyone else loves, high scores to absolute junk and praise Sony for their late ports but hate Xbox / Microsoft for their Day 1 releases.

That plus their tendency to write a story every time Larian sneezes or Helldivers 2 does the slightest thing, means they’re one of my least favourite sites now.

IGN is another that seems to have an Xbox tax as per a few other sites like Eurogamer…


Eurogamer gave it a 5 pretty sure.