Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

It seems Parris might have finished it.

If only I could give you more likes for this sentence alone :wink:


Parris is great. But what is this useless farming tweet shit?


True. Expected different from him.

Just twitter, throw out a fishing comment, what do you think? (please get me engagement)

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I would not call him great. I actually think he has some shit takes and gets way more praise then ge deserves. The flight sim stuff was cringe af.

I swear he Said that you didnt spend 6,5 billion on bethesda to make it multiplatform 6,5 billion times.

I guess you can’t be a fan of everyone. :man_shrugging:

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It’s free marketing.

I love this! Minecraft is such a gem, smartest purchase MS did honestly. From all the games my daughters play, this is the one I can’t get mad about if they play too much!

Also, love this ad! Does Minecraft have different marketing departments than the rest of Xbox? I always find their social engagement to be top notch.



The closer we get to June the more I hope we really see a few minutes gameplay of Fable. What we saw last year, especially the super brief parts in the woods looked great and I need MOAR!


Yeah I hope so too, but I fear it will be a no show if it’s next years big game and they don’t show it again until next June. I hope I’m wrong.

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That would be

But yeah, it’s best to not expect a thing and be surprised if it does show up.

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Yeah, I don’t consider Fable a given. I don’t think it’s a must that they give an update on every game each showcase.

Would like to see it again but I saw enough to be hyped and can wait for when it’s ready for a Dev Direct like showing in January. Right now I’m more interested in the things we haven’t seen at all.

I do think it’s more likely than not that it makes an appearance though.

A gameplay sequence would be nice. I know what we saw besides some of the in-game cinematics was in game without the UI, but I’d really like something with the UI showing just as proof to everyone about how great this game is gonna look! Really impressed about seeing Forza Tech used in a ARPG.

I think the showing really depends when the game is coming out. Is it a surprise early 2025 release, summer 2025, holidays 2025? Because if it’s late next year they still have plenty of time to show more. But then you risk the usual rumour mills online to go about how Fable wasn’t shown and there’s probably someone who’ll come out and say they’ve heard the development is in troubles lol

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It’s so easy to make a tweet acting like an insider these days. Unless this fella has a track record? I haven’t heard about this dude ever.

No shit a new FH is in development, lmao.


Don’t encourage them by getting them clicks haha


He has HB2…


He’s a nobody then?

That said, i would LOVE to see FH6, but that would also mean a release this year. That’s how PG does it and that is not happening.

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