Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King


They just need Crystal Dynamics so they can work on Tomb Raider with Amazon too :wink:.


Grant encouraging devs


Can’t say I disagree with him though

Hell, even if it was a perfect remake or reboot, it will still get abuse because it won’t be on their precious Nintendo platform


It’s crazy to see Microsoft “producing” more series and films than Disney at the moment (Halo series, Fallout series, Grounded series, Gears of War film, Minecraft film, Call of Duty film and potentially other unannounced projects like rumors of a The Elder Scrolls series and an Overwatch series) I think Microsoft should prioritize the acquisition of production studios and an SVOD service (Netflix, Paramount +, Warner Bros…) They seem quite close to Warner and Netflix but I think Warner has better IPs but Netflix seems a little more creative and they seem to have the Gamepass philosophy with small productions but incredible artistic directions like Klaus, Nimona, Love Death + Robots, Arcane, Cup Head Show… ) Warner has much more of a Blockbusters philosophy even if Netflix is starting to have interesting and popular IPs like One Piece, Avatar, Wednesday…

It’s just a thought but I think that the Gamepass must evolve if it wants to continue to live for a long time because more and more potentially dangerous players can merge Video Games and Films / Series in their subscription Netflix has a games division, Sony has a Films division (they have already tried in certain countries to introduce films into PS+, Sony also owns Crunchyroll, Funimation, Aniplex, ADN they have a monopoly at this level) Apple owns Apple TV, Amazon owns Amazon Prime, Disney has Disney + if one day they enter the video game on demand service with their IPs and their films and series they will be potentially dangerous if Microsoft does not have a weapon and I think that Warner is a good feat with Microsoft.

What’s interesting is that Phil Spencer’s favorite Universe ahead of LOTR and Star Wars is Dune

And if it is possible I think that recovering the rights to Middle-Earth and Embracer and bringing them together again with Warner would be an interesting acquisition.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1663622849301725184|twgr^491e5562d248cdbd2e81352cab9034d062fce364|twcon^s1_&

They seem to have teased Lord of the Rings several times.

This is just my thought but imagine a Gamepass + HBO subscription for around twenty dollars per month that would be great.


Is that enough for not even trying tho?

That is exactly the kind of tweet I wouldn´t like to read if I were developing a new Banjo game. So discouraging.

If folks are pissed cause the game wouldnt release on Switch (2?), buy a fucking Xbox.


Nostalgia can be a bad thing.

I am not so enthusiastic on a new Banjo. The 2 first games were games of their time, mostly collectathon games where most of the pleasure came from travelling a 3D world (I played them on N64). I think they aged, as also in fact the 3D platform genre. I dunno who would be able to reinvent this kind of game. I also do not think they would be well appreciated.


LoTR is a very dangerous IP. Jackson Movies were jackpots but the Amazon series went down unremarkable and the video games are up (Monolith games) but often down.

I see where you’re coming from but there’s been some fantastic platformers recently, so I think there’s still a decent audience for it.

The recent Crash Bandicoots (which are now a internal studio) are a prime example. Psychonauts 2 was also a fantastic platformer. Nintendo and Sony have recently had success in this area with Mario, Kirby, Astro and Ratchet and Clank. Hi-Fi Rush even had some fantastic platforming too. One of my favourite 3D platformers was It Takes Two (or just one of my favourite games full stop).

I think they definitely could re-invent it for modern audiences.

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I first played Banjo on the 360 and had no nostalgic connection to it and still loved it.


I do not want to appear to be “against” a Banjo revival. I think its gameplay mechanics were dated and the third one tried to change it and was a failure (at least commercially) meaning there is also a resistance against changes from its fanbase.

Thanks for all the counter-examples.


I hope it comes back for those that want it but I have no confidence it would be a big success

I don’t think that style is going to cut it anymore outside of a very small niche so they will need to change it up but doing so brings the big risks from the hardcore fans

I don’t think they need to do something as extreme as N&B was but it definitely needs to attempt new things in 2025 or whenever this hypothetical game would release

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Unsure, how people would react, but I legit think a mixture of nuts and bolts with banjo platforming could be a lot of fun. I know that would get people angry, but I thought they were really onto something with Nuts and Bolts, and we even saw Zelda: TOTK do something similar and it worked.

I think if Banjo gets revived it should be something that is different than the original due to how dated Banjo is tbh. I think they can either do a remake that is more modern or take the franchise somewhere it hasn’t been but find a good mixture of platforming and something new

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Don’t underestimate the Banjo Kazooie IP, it’s an icon of the 3D platform from the 90s, the IP is very powerful, we saw it during the Smash Bros reveal, he was the most requested character in the roster and now Smash Bros fans want Crash Bandicoot which is also a Platform IP. There is a lot of nostalgia around these properties which can bring Nintendo and Playstation fans into the Microsoft ecosystem. Those who were children in the 90s are now adults, they have nostalgia and Banjo must reach a parent/child audience. This is why Mario is so popular, it affects 3 generations. Even though there have been 3 Banjo games ( I’m not counting the Gameboy games) the Banjo IP remains Legendary and considered better than Mario by many people (Banjo has made a reputation over the years ( Shigeru Miyamoto himself admitted that Banjo Kazooie was better than Mario 64 and that he was jealous of Rare’s ideas) Banjo always aimed to innovate and be a Mario Killer (even if Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts was an innovative game that was way ahead of its time, it didn’t receive the criticism it deserved but we see more and more players admitting today that it was an Incredible game that greatly inspired the industry concepts like Minecraft / Scrap Mechanic, games like Rocket League and Zelda Breath of The Wild and TOTK all these games come from mechanics and the Banjo Nuts and Bolts Sandbox )

At the end of this Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts trailer we see Banjo cut off Mario’s head for Rare Banjo must surpass Mario this is the only condition for them to release a new game. Above all, they must innovate and create something something new that does not exist is the mission of the Studio.

Banjo only had 3 games on home consoles yet they all had such a huge impact on players that they continue to talk about it 10-20 years later and it’s time to bring back the bear and the bird and to surpass Mario (which is not easy).

(I also add that Banjo must be at the cutting edge of technology and must be part of these most beautiful technical showcases of the generation. We have never seen such incredible fur and water and such advanced physics as Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts on XBOX 360)


You may not want to appear to be “against” a Banjo revival but you sure do. You only seem to present excuses to reinforce the idea that “A new Banjo wouldn´t work today”.

I am of the belief that going against the survival of any genre is just plainly sad, especially when at the same time we also complain about the lack of creativity in the big productions panorama. Xbox needs platformers as they need any other genre to feed Game Pass.

Platformers are still being made and still are successful. Hue already presented some examples.

Saying that the Banjo fanbase is resistant to changes because of Nuts and Bolts is disingeneous to say the least. Nuts and Bolts was what Rare wanted to do at the time and thats ok, but the game had little to do with a platformer.

Series like Ratchet and Clank or Super Mario still exist because they add new changes and mechanics on top of fundamentals that aren´t modified because they work and make them be what they are.

This can be 100% the case of Banjo Kazooie. Quality videogames are more likely to succeed.


I was recently thinking about how quiet Gears for Breakfast have been since 2017 with the release of A Hat in Time. Their website only lists 11 people so whatever project they are working on will most likely be small.


To be fair some of the smaller teams bring out the better games. Hellblade 1 was only 20 developers I think? I guess it’s probably easier to have a joint vision. Minecraft was famously created by just one person (Notch) too.


Banjo is GOING to happen one day. There is zero chance it doesn’t. It’s just about when, who makes it and in what form.

Banjo remake by Toys for Bob.

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Potential Xbox TGA leak: !Screenshot_20231204_142005_Chrome|690x517