Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Looks like a new family decided to take a vacation for a bit. They will arrive soon.

I know that Ubisoft owns the IP and it’s unlikely that it’s related to Arx Fatalis but I want to dream. :phil_lmao:

That’s fair haha. Prey was basically Arx Fatalis in space so they clearly still love and appreciate that game.

Facts bro, 100%!!!

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To Arkane Austin, Please give me Dishonored 3. Thanks, your pal, Peter. :slight_smile:



I love Arkane, but I want new, not sequels.

Give me an Arkane game heavily inspired by John Carpenters “The Thing”.

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The only thing that has me worried a little is that Jason said 70% of the team had left. Didn’t he? It’s good that they are hiring, but it sounds like a ton of talent that worked on Prey too has left. And iirc someone important for Prey left after the game?

That number was not accurate, nor was the context it was being weaponized for.


Indeed. With the LinkedIn stalkers we would have known immediately if it actually happened. Naturally its not true.


Most played games on Xbox console at the moment for XGS and Bethesda (and Activision and Blizzard too).


  • #2 Modern Warfare II
  • #6 Minecraft
  • #10 Diablo IV
  • #14 Overwatch 2
  • #16 Forza Horizon 5
  • #23 Halo Infinite
  • #26 Black Ops Cold War
  • #30 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • #32 Black Ops 2
  • #33 Fallout 4
  • #34 Black Ops 3
  • #36 Sea of Thieves
  • #37 Fallout 76
  • #38 Modern Warfare (2019)
  • #45 The Elder Scrolls Online
  • #50 Halo MCC


  • #2 Modern Warfare II
  • #7 Minecraft
  • #11 Forza Horizon 5
  • #14 Overwatch 2
  • #17 Diablo IV
  • #24 Sea of Thieves
  • #26 Forza Horizon 4
  • #29 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • #30 Halo Infinite
  • #33 Black Ops Cold War
  • #34 Fallout 4
  • #36 Modern Warfare 2 (2009)
  • #40 Black Ops 2
  • #43 Fallout 76
  • #47 The Elder Scrolls Online
  • #48 Black Ops 3


  • #4 Diablo IV
  • #6 Modern Warfare II
  • #7 Forza Horizon 5
  • #8 Minecraft
  • #9 Overwatch 2
  • #12 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • #14 Fallout 76
  • #20 Fallout 4
  • #22 Halo Infinite
  • #45 Forza Horizon 4
  • #46 Ghostwire Tokyo
  • #49 Gears 5

Also, Exoprimal performance:

  • US: #11
  • UK: #12
  • JP: #3

That would be great news. I tend to believe Jason more easily than other insiders, he often knows his stuff. But if this part is not true I’m very happy.

It wasn’t accurate due to counting people that left before Redfall was in any form of production as part of the people that left due to Redfall.

It’s also misused because people (mostly twitter fanboys) falsely assume that Arkane never hired new staff to replace departed staff (some also assume the majority of the people that left did so under MS, which was also not true).


Doesn’t mean those people can’t return, or the team there can’t make a great singleplayer game, or the new people they’re hiring can’t make a great singleplayer game. Plenty of people have left Arkane Lyon over the years but they still put out a banger.

As much as I would love Dishonored 3 and a sequel to Prey, I pretty much agree. Arkane’s value is in pushing the envelope and expanding what immersive sims can be. They tried that with Deathloop and Redfall, one worked and one didn’t, but that doesn’t mean they should become conservative in their design. It’s not in their DNA.

I’ll start by saying that both Arkane teams should make what they want but sticking to an IP is not a bad thing if the developers see untapped potential. I am happy that Lyon decided to make Dishonored 2 a reality because that game is a fuckin’ masterpiece, sure the first game was great but DH2 elevated everything the original game did good to new heights of quality. There shouldn’t be an unwritten law that some studios should always make a new IP as there also shouldn’t be that they should stick with a well known IP.

Besides it’s very rare to reach the full potential of something in your first try especially in games with high quality foundations plus some of the best games of all time are sequels. A game being a sequel shouldn’t have a negative stigma just because it’s not a new shiny thing IMO. :person_shrugging:

I agree completely. If they make Dishonored 3 and a sequel to Prey, it’s because they want to do it and they have ideas on what they can do bigger or better or different. What I’m saying is that they are not the studio to make sequels just because the previous game was a success. If they don’t have the passion for it or a strong enough idea, they won’t do it. I don’t want them pidgeonholed into one series.

The easiest thing in the world to regain goodwill after Redfall would be to go back to Prey, but I don’t think Austin will do it unless they want to and they have a good idea. And even a Dishonored 3 would have to be very different to distinguish itself from Dishonored 2 (likely a new setting, new time period and new protagonist). There’s also the element of Deathloop kind of being a successor to Dishonored in terms of gameplay and story. Would Dishonored 3 bridge the gap between DOTO and Deathloop? Or would Dishonored 3 be set after Deathloop?

Lot’s of questions and I’d be excited to see how they tackle them, but I would still bet on new IP over sequels based on their history.

It’s wild to me seeing content creators go to stores and buy a Series X because the 360 servers are back up haha, Microsoft fixing those servers and having tons of streamers and so on play is probably gonna do wonders for them.


The first ABK Game Pass drop post-acquisition is going to be FUCKING HUGE for this exact reason. It’s awesome.

I want a MOBA made by blizzard (they have the know how from HoTS) with all the MS IP

I think we’re going to see a huge increase in sales once Xbox is the official console for COD esports. A lot of people moved to playstation due to that. Plus, can’t forget how important early access to betas will be . i am unsure how Microsoft will handle that, but if betas release much earlier than Playstation then content creators will need to have an xbox