I was more glad than mad to be honest. It’s a game that was already said to have problems, so the report is a deep dive version of it.
True and I totally get it
Although, I’ll say that Arkane has not been gutted by anyone, those developers decided to move on given the morale and lack of passion for a project that was morphing into something else. It’s also good to remember that this happened to the team behind Prey… not the Arkane team that did Dishonored or Deathloop. So, this isn’t a Human Head or InXile situation on that front.
I’m sorry. I do not, and will not care about the optics. They do not affect me in my enjoyment of my console. I’m really sorry that’s a debating poitn for you.
Just because you don’t care about it doesn’t mean other should not also. Even you must acknowledge that financially the studios output over the years has not done well. So is it really negligence for the management team to try to address that by pivoting in a new direction? Sure with hindsight it wasn’t a great move but I’d say it would be more negligent for them to have ignored the financial reality and done nothing.
Well aware that Arkane’s output are of a very specific niche and that any sort of financial success just will not work for the kind of games that they develop. I can acknowledge that element – even Arkane themselves have acknoweldged it with how they approached the development and release of Deathloop. I think – again, if the article is to be true – pressing onwards with a project despite the team clearly being against it is an example of negligence.
So who should dictate what is made? The development teams with no idea of the overall picture or financials take a vote each month to decide on direction and if they feel like dump the current project for a new one?
Does this argument really apply to the developers I listed above? All independent developers here. The relationship between a publisher and a developer has always been notated as a volatile process – even veteran devs have spoke on how that process can be. It’s totally fair to bring up the fact that Zenimax has had an often abrasive approach to the then-independent teams that they’ve worked with, and even in their internal groups. Not to mention, the wording on these responses come off to me as the publisher is an infallable entity in comparison to the dev house. Obviously both entities can make mistakes – that’s how gamedev is sometimes.
Calm down and take some time to digest the reality of how businesses work? Don’t dismiss others opinions because they don’t fit with yours?
I will continue to dismiss the opinions of people invested with the brand and optics for a megacorporation they are not paid by. It’s a volatile and odd relationship that’s been spurred by decades of deceptive marketing techniques in gamedev’s infancy. If you, and others, are not willing to distance away from that then I apologize and I hope you have a good one.
It’s really odd to me that this is a common rebuttal towards Arkane Austin – as if they’re the ‘B’ team of the studio despite them not making an extremely well regarding game in Prey. I don’t think devaluing the Austin teams’ importance makes this any better.
Regardless if it’s Lyon, or Austin, these studios share resources. They share creative talents, artists, tech often ever since the development of Dishonored. Just like Insomniac’s North Carolina office, or as a better example the many studios Rockstar has.
This discourse around arkane has been very interesting
One of the many things I’m excited about for Starfield is the loot/treasure. Part of the fun and experience in BGS games when entering a dungeon or cave is maybe finding a chest with a new armor or sword in it. We’ve seen that there is a good amount of different kinds of clothing/suits/armor in Starfield. Hoping for some really awesome ones. After all, that’s one of the reasons to play in third person too.
I’m looking forward to the crafting as well. I know a lot of people don’t care for it, but I love the kill, loot, craft loop of these games.
As long as BGS has created plenty of handcrafted content it’s all fine with me. The spaceship building did look nice last year, not gonna lie. Wonder if we can create or have different interiors too. And hopefully we can roam around these interiors while in spaceflight. How awesome would that be? I mean sure, we won’t fly to planets in real time, but when in space (combat) bits it would be awesome to just stop and look out the window. Like how you can in Guardians of the Galaxy for example.
Ah man, so much stuff I can’t wait to see what it’s like in this game. The beauty of a BGS game.
People who haven’t played Halo in a while probably won’t know this, but 343 has actually tied the mode into the game’s storyline quite nicely I feel.
I feel MS need to do something about user reviews in the store. Often doing what reviews should do, but also too often people having weird hissy fits about something, and rating the game poorly because of it, irrespective of what the game is. See: Chicory. Apparently because ‘its indie shit’ it’s one star. Great.
i see a lot of reviews for games before they come out bashing said game
Bro needs to stop coping. The next campaign will be with the next game ss it’s always been.
I think they need to put Halo on ice for a bit. Just keep up the Infinite multiplayer but for the most part let Halo sleep for a bit. So much turmoil and disappointment with the dev. I know Halo Infinite was supposed to be like a soft reboot but the plot was done so badly that it felt like The Rise of Skywalker. So desperate to retcon the last game out of existence that it was just hollow.
It’s weird, I enjoyed the game at first but overtime it just felt rough. It’s probably the only Halo game I won’t go back to.
With everything that happened with 343 I think taking a break on Halo and letting them try a non Halo game to maybe get the creative juices flowing might be the smartest.
With the amount of time it takes to make games these days I don’t know if putting it on the shelf for a period of time is a going to work. Personally I would start to build the studio up again to make the next iteration but just don’t talk about it. Even if it’s going to take a good amount of time, get it so it’s fully content ready(single player with coop, multiplayer and forge) on release along with a manageable road map for future content that’s going to keep people coming back.
Let Rare Cook
Greg Mayles? Well damn!
/facepalm. the internet man… damn. a key developer left an xbox game team and people be like “bAcK tO dRaWiNg bOarDs i GuEss lMaO!..”