Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Agreed, I was talking more about lets say fallout for example where fallout 4 released in 2015, but it seems it will be 10+ years before we get Fallout 5. I know there is Fallout 76, but I feel a spinoff 0r a remake between 2015 to whenever fallout 5 release would be wise.

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I get that, but I think the majority of BGS fans play all three franchises. I’m not craving Fallout 5 right now because I know we’re about to get Starfield and TES VI will be after that, and they all scratch the same itch for me.

Obviously everyone has their preference, and I’m sure remakes/remasters/spinoffs would help, but I don’t see Fallout 5 being 10 years away as this super bad thing. It’s not like BGS are just twiddling their thumbs not doing anything.

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Starfield is like the most wanted game on Steam and all of their games are always in the top played games no matter what platform we are talking about even after all those years. The name isn’t and he never been in a bad place, I feel your opinion is being influenced more by the wrong people than by the reality of the situation.

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The problem with remakes is they would take so damn long to make, require so many resources and require so many changes to modernise them the way people would expect a modern version of FO3/Oblivion etc to play that they are better off utilising those resources for their next major games

If it was something they could easily pump out in a couple of years with minimal resources I could see the appeal but I don’t think that’s on the table for basically any BGS that people would like a remake of

I think best case scenario going forward is, Starfield this year and the full team gets to finally gets to knuckle down with ES6 while Obsidian finish Avowed and when that’s done move them onto a next gen FO, doesn’t need to be FO5, can be another New Vegas or new location, assuming Obsidian actually want to do it that is, that way your maybe looking at both a new ES6 and FO late this gen or launch/very early next gen

Iv always been much more of an ES guy than FO but I do think it’s a mistake to have series that huge basically just sitting there if there other capable studios like Obsidian wanting to work on them

Otherwise it’s going to be at least another decade before you see another mainline FO, by the time ES6 releases there will be maybe 17 years between releases and with the current schedule, FO might be even longer than that from 4 to 5

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People being skeptical or down on you doesn’t mean your games won’t be popular or you won’t get the benefit of the doubt.

Dragon Age and Mass Effect 4 will sell millions, that doesn’t dispute the fact that people are down on Bioware.

I don’t think Bethesda’s name is anywhere near Bioware’s, just to clarify but the name has taken a hit over the past several years.

Agreed. Unless someone else wants to take over the remaking duties. Until then, the resources should be for mainline games only at the moment.

I think Morrowind is the most likely candidate for a remake and I bet Todd would want to be directly involved with that. Given how old it is, it would be essentially like creating a whole new game.

Everything else (Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas etc.) warrants a remaster.

The most realistic side projects I think are New Vegas 2 from Obsidian or an isometric Fallout from inXile.

Saw a bunch of buses already adorned with Starfield ads. The ramp up begins.


Awesome. Next time try taking a photo :slight_smile:

Oh man, just one more month to go and we’re finally seeing it (again) I expect that we’ll all be very excited after the show and counting the days till release. Which if all keeps going well will be four more months after the shows.


Will do, they were in London, in case anyone else is out and about too :slightly_smiling_face:


Hoping to see what id Software is cooking in the Xbox Showcase, Doom Eternal is my favorite 8th gen game


I reckon it’s still too early for them, i guess it’s possible they’d do CG/in engine type thing but I can’t imagine a gameplay reveal until next year

Won’t matter when Starfield drops. Forget Xbox it will do gangbusters on the PC alone. People underestimate the fanbase Bethesda has.


Kinda crazy we haven’t heard much from them. It’s cool in this age to have surprises, so I can’t wait to see what they attempt. I wonder if they’re going new IP route.


I can’t see them continuing with Doom, not for a while at least and it’s certainly not going to be another Rage, so it’s either a Quake reboot or a new IP imo

I think a Quake reboot with the gothic themes and elements retained would be very cool and stand out from the Doom reboot


yep. as long as Starfield is fully mod-able like previous bethesda single player games, their core community would be gladly wasting times and energy to keep the game alive for years. in their mind, “to hell with the reviews if i can’t put the entire game of Skyrim on one of the planets in Starfield.”

people memed ‘bugthesda’ and 'buy skyrim" to death and yet still wondering why their games still played by many even after a decade.


I know I’ll get shot for this but I hope they make something new that’s not quake or doom because neither interest me, they don’t gotta give it up forever just something new and different.


What would you like to see them make?

A sad demon walking sim?


Anything really, a 1st person shooter horror game could be cool, they’re probably best to stick with something 1st person because they’re good at that.