Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Can’t wait for the game to come out and flop. Which it will. Admittingly though…MGS3 remake will be a hit.

Xbox fans rejoiced when Hifi Rush shadow dropped

Maybe the guy is asking for the day when PS and Nintendo fans will rejoice for a xbox a game.


The media and there silly takes

They simply love console wars… That’s all what it is about


If I were in Phil’s position there would be no more “IGN First” when it came to new Xbox games. It’s a real shame G4 Youtube channel went under. Maybe go to Easy Allies. As far as I know they usually don’t seem to engage in this sort of fuckery. Or maybe a crazy idea, give first dibs to XboxEra?

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I don’t know if it was posted here but Tim clarified on his YouTube channel that he hasn’t worked full time for Obsidian since 2020. He’s semi-retired but still does freelance consulting for Obsidian (presumably on The Outer Worlds 2) and two other games he can’t talk about it (my guess is that one of them is Project Cobalt, given the links between Obsidian and inXile).

I assume this means Leonard is now in charge of the TOW 2 team, where previously it was the two of them.

Rod Ferguson did a Twitter poll the other day basically asking what platform people will be playing on, and the overwhelming majority voted for Xbox over PC and PlayStation.

Perhaps it’s because of Rod’s followers largely being from when he worked on Gears, but even still it’s a great result and perhaps surprising. I’m pretty sure I saw people on here (or the other forum) saying that Diablo wasn’t a system seller and wouldn’t do great on Xbox. But they do have an Xbox marketing deal and it seems to be working.


The hardcore gaming bases between console are pretty similar, its just the casual users that Playstation has such a big lead on. Diablo is definitely not a “casual” gamers game.

It’s not but Diablo also SELLS. Like, a lot. Probably to more casual gamers than we think.

Either way, Diablo 4 is going to be fucking huge.


It’s pretty obvious to me that Mcaffrey like a number of others validate how well Xbox are doing by how positive the reaction to them is on other websites and social media.

It’s an insecure position - you can like something more than others do…but I feel he’s clearly needing external validation.


Ryan has had this view for a while, here in a 20th anniversary interview with Phil he asks about the best year of Xbox and Phil kinda points out that he’s living in the past. He lists a bunch of great games, but living in 2007 ignores all of the great stuff since then. I liked Phil’s response.

I advanced the link below to where Ryan asks about it.


I think it is, just like pretty much any game that sells 20-30-40 millions to be honest. Unlike many AAA, this game can be played in different ways, many casuals love Diablo’s atmosphere and history, and play the campaign and enjoy it’s 20-40 hours or whatever it takes, and there are also more hardcore players that put hundreds of hours into it, even playing on the HC mode that makes you lose your character when you die.

Maybe the biggest “problem” for Xbox here is that Diablo’s player base is mainly on PC, so it won’t be something like Hogwarts, or Fifa, but still i think it was a very good move from MS and that it’s going to move a good amount of consoles if marketing is good (which im sure it’ll be)

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Did you see the Rod Ferg poll I linked to earlier? The majority in that poll were playing on Xbox, over PC and PlayStation.

I’m sure the total playerbase will still be more on PC, but I’m expecting larger console share than ever for 4, especially on Xbox given the marketing deal.

It’s hard to take polls seriously on twitter because it can get amplified for certain fanbases depending on who retweets it.

Jez has a huge Xbox following and he retweeted it. That results in thousands of votes shifting towards one console. Same thing applies on other tweets for different platforms.

I think Xbox definitely has a big following for Diablo but PC and PS will be where the majority of sales are on. Which isn’t a bad thing at all, just standard stuff.


I think Diablo is also very huge on consoles. Also, many enjoy using a controller to play the game, so I think it’s huge on both consoles and PC.

It’s just a monstrous franchise period. I think people are just slightly hesitant on well it’ll do because it was out of the limelight for so long.

The fanbase for Diablo are passionate af.

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Yeah I get that, but it’s still interesting as I would never have expected Xbox to win that poll at all, let alone by such a large margin.

Can’t take anything from Twitter seriously, but yea i never meant to downplay Diablo 4 from what i said, while it’s not on the level of the Fifa’s, CoD’s or last Hogwarts for consoles specifically, it’s still veery big.

Bit offtopic but one of my clearest memories in gaming when i was like 9-10 years old was me going to the game store searching for a game just by the look of it’s box, and seeing this Diablo for PSX and buying it. Was so disappointed when i played it at home and realized the game wasn’t translated to spanish X’D, luckily i gave it a second try and it ended being one of my favourite videogames from that console, and probably the game that made me love Cooperative experiences so much.

Can’t wait for the first of the 3 huge games for me from this 2023.

And hope MS can fix stock issues for Series X by it’s release, at least partially

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Ryan McCaffrey is that ignorant that he doesn’t realise how fucking toxic he is. His schtick should be shunned here.


The biggest problem Xbox has is they don’t have nostalgia towards their brand, Halo was their crown jewel that should’ve been that but after the last two games it just fell off in the gaming media mind. I’m not talking about scores or anything like that but Halo just seemed to be irrelevant to the people in the industry.

I don’t think there is anything Microsoft can do to get the same amount of buzz a Zelda game would or God of War and it’s not for lack of trying or they can’t make good games it’s just people in the industry don’t have a unconditional love for the brand like they do for Sony and Nintendo.

Xbox is and has always been seen as an outsider and it to me at least has always felt like when Xbox had a good game (FH5 for example) it seemed like “oh what a fantastic game” but moved on and no gushing over it.

It honestly feels like Microsoft needs to buy IP to a beloved franchise to get some of these people on board.

I swear it feels like the industry are very quick to hand wave good Xbox games, no Xbox game will ever reach the big heights of the others because it’s Xbox. This is exactly what Phil spencer was talking about, Starfield could be an 11/10 but it won’t matter because it’ll be hand wave one way or another.

Starfield has and is going to continue to be picked apart so it has no chance of being the gaming media wet dream game of the year. Was there articles about Horizon Forbidden West having MTX or micro transactions before launch, was the game being compared to other games because it had similar features or mechanics as other games and it wasn’t simply an Xbox game.


His Grounded take years alone years ago should be enough for anyone to never take him seriously ever again


I mean they did lol.

Zenimax. Fallout and TES are some of the most beloved IP’s of all time. It’s just going to take a decade and some change for them to release haha.