Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Just a reminder after catching up: this OT is for first-party discussion. Personal attacks, console/list warring, and the like definitely don’t fall under that category…


I turn off all of this shit. lol

If this happens, im going PC next generation and will just wait for every game to be 50% off before buying because by then, they should all be patched up. And welcome to XboxEra!!! :slight_smile:

Hoping at least low 80’s but expecting mid-70’s.

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Why mid-70s? Is it because of a lack of a performance mode?

Maybe a thread for personal attacks could help reduce the mod burden




I predict that redfall will be good, has that Arkane DNA and will be enjoyed by fans, but the gaming media/reviewers? Lol we will see

Reviews will be fine. Game is basically multiplayer open world game with heavy immersive sim influence, will be a breath of fresh air.


Yeah, I don’t like it either. Remember when Witcher 3 was about to release and CDPR had actually videos ready and released for every single platform. That was really damn cool. We’re really gonna have to either wait for reviews (if they drop before release) to see XSX footage or play it ourselves.

On the other hand, did we get Xbox footage of Gears 5, MSFS, FH5, Halo Infinite, Psychonauts 2 and so on…before they released? I don’t really recall. Unfortunately Xbox doesn’t really make it a point to show console footage, let alone really mention it. Last year during E3 with Diablo 4 was a somewhat unique situation.

I get you though, when it comes to this game, all the commotion it would have been nice.

Lack of performance mode, always online if playing solo, can’t pause if playing solo and that progression issue. I forget which it is. Story or player progression. If playing co-op, I can’t imagine the game staying locked at 30FPS for all four players.

Most of all though, im going mid-70’s so that way if it is, I won’t be disappointed where as if im expecting mid-80’s and it hits mid-70’s, I would be. This way, if it’s mid-80’s, I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

But we’ll see. A few more days to go.

Reviewers don’t care about always online lol

I find that just makes enemies easier to kill in games for me, because If they did rush and shot at me. I would be forced to look for cover while they try to flank me. When they get into cover and specially when I have back up usually it means I can just flank them and kill them quicker with less issues.

Probably not. Even for me, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s annoying but I have played several games online solo and it was fine.

The reviewers are playing a game based on what is in front of them. Sure, they can mention the lack of performance mode, but that should not automatically mean lower review scores.

It cannot be overstated enough - if a game is good on its own merits, the only time frame rate needs to be mentioned is when it is unstable and actually affects you from enjoying the game. The game being 30 fps solely is not a good reason for affecting review scores.


I see your point, but their aim is pretty damn good and if you don’t watch out your dead before you know it. But AI still has a long way to go in some genres.

Todd wanted to have some real unique AI for Oblivion, it didn’t come to fruition but I have no doubts that he still has some of these goals. We have not yet seen much about the AI in Starfield but I’m hoping for a nice improvement over Fallout 4, both combat but also especially general NPCs and their behaviour.

Xbox is so lacking in triple A exclusives that by now the only arguments for Redfall are 30fps and the possible score on Metacritic/Opencritic. It’s a shame, but I can’t blame the users. The fault lies with Xbox and Bethesda who have done a terrible job presenting this game.

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Agreed. Depends how much if any, the lack of 60FPS affects the fun and enjoyment of the game. Like for example, Jedi Survivor looks like it’s horrible on PC and wasn’t great on consoles pre-day one patch. We’ll see. There’s a few more days to go. I just prefer to go in with “low” expectations so that way, if it is that, I was already expecting it and if it’s better, great, I get a pleasant surprise.

Can we do the trick to play on Monday? I guess so, right?

How are you weighing AAA exclusives? Like are you talking about AAA third person adventure or any genre?

We all known 2022 was barren, but can’t deny stuff like Forza Horizon 5, Flight Simulator, and even Halo Infinite which all scored above 85MC

I believe it but if ABK doesn’t go through in the end it will hurt, there’s just no sugarcoating it, especially if ABK goes right back to making more deals with Sony.

This what it is I think, people will continue to criticize Xbox first party until the day they have 3rd person cinematic experiences… it’s stupid but I really believe that’s what it is.

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