Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

if Hellblade 2 is on the same quality as tlou for pc, certain fanbase would pitchfork the studio and demand Phil to step down.


I have not PS because i’m only PC Gamer. It has been the First Time i played the last of us. .

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Personally after the first two pacthes i didn’t find many problems.

About Hellblade 2, i Hope to see a new gameplay. I’ve been very impressed from the last one

There has been some talk, I’ve been praising it when I can. It really is a great expansion!

But also this:


I’m quite burned out on FH to be honest, played 5 for a while but then I just move to something else. Do you mean Halo or Gears with the other one? Same applies there too for me.

I am so ready for something new! New IP.

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Sea of theievs and Forza Horizon

Breakout franchise for xbox one generation… Beating out Halo and Gears

But not enough fans of the games on this forum and enough chatter about them

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It’s the same on other forums, I think GaaS just isn’t a huge topic among the groups that frequent these kind of places.

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Aaaah, Sea of Thieves.

Yeah I played it when it was basically a beta, and when it launched I played it again. It was too barebones back then. Apparently nowadays there’s plenty of content. But it doesn’t help I don’t find the combat against land enemies actually fun, unless they overhauled or greatly improved that. Ship combat was cool though.

I probably should give it a chance sometime again, it’s just that I’m so busy with other games. I basically need a second life, we all do, haha.

I’m just so ready for Xbox to drop their big SP titles, new IP at that too. Redfall to begin with, but obviously the biiiiiiiiig one early September.

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Xbox Games Showcase is the only name it should have every year.


Playing Ryse for the first time in like forever.

Super repetitive but I’m enjoying my time with it lol. Gorgeous landscapes and background drops.


Ori was also a breakout XB1 franchise.

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For the Rewards points? Because I see the game is part of that, among a few others you can choose from. :slight_smile:

Ryse is amazing, Like a big budget AAA Golden Axe game. I wish it would get a sequel

A+ for being absolutely on the money lol. Yeah, I’m doing it for the reward, ended up deciding to play the entire campaign.

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Lots of potential, maybe they’ll revisit it in the far future. :sweat_smile:

Really cool, isn’t it? You might have never gotten around to playing it, let alone finishing it. But this way you got to check it out. :slight_smile:

I think he may be wrong too…but, if I recall in a couple of interviews where people ask Xbox what game they are looking forward to from all their teams I think Phil and Matt Booty have said a couple of times that what InXile has shown of their next project, and given the size of the team is blowing people away.

“We had all our studio heads together and inXile showed a vertical slice of their next game… And everyone was kinda blown away,” said Booty via Klobrille. “If there was a measure of the coolness of what you create as a ratio to how many people are working on it, that studio has to win a prize.”

I’m guessing that visually its going to stun.


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I’m amazed how good the game still looks. I miss games like this simple big budget AAA games that are fun to play and no open world stuff