Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Sorry it it’s already been posted but this new clip of Hellblade blew my mind:


It has but it still doesn’t look less impressive the more it’s posted.


ok this is all sorts of funny

I know it was in bundle, but I feel like this would have said the same with Tango and Hi-Fi Rush would have been a great use of the exhibit A.

Bets for the 2024 lineup?

  • (Hellblade if it isn’t this year)
  • Avowed
  • State of Decay 3
  • Contraband
  • Fable or Perfect Dark (not both; whichever is ready)
  • MAYBE The Outer Worlds 2 as well if Obsidian are feeling wild

Hellblade 2 seems a lock

Avowed has to be next year too surely?

SoD3 I don’t think will be any earlier than 2025, same with Fable and PD

Who knows what’s going on with Contraband but my guess is it will be earlier than SoD and Fable

#1 on mobile app stores, they must have made a lot of money with this

Hellblade 2 is either late this year or early next year. Similarly, Avowed is basically a lock for next year. We know from Andy Robinson these are the next two major projects after Starfield, Forza etc.

SoD 3 is a wild card but 2024 just feels right to me. Who knows about Contraband but again, it was announced two years ago and it’s been in development for a long time.

I feel like either Fable or Perfect Dark HAS to come out next year. They are by far the most hyped games after Starfield.

I also forgot one: Project Midnight. I think it’s a lock for 2024 but we’ll see if it gets announced in June.

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With how long games take to make these days, along with the pandemic slowing things down massively as well as other games getting numerous delays

I’m just not expecting things anytime soon, not those big ones mentioned at least, next year I could see the line up being something like:

HB2 (if not the end of this year)



Stoic’s game

Project Midnight

But who knows, we don’t even know what all they have planned for H2 of this year nevermind next year

unless it is coming from the horse’s mouth, nothing is ever locked this year or next. i’m sure phil already booked one a 1st party aaa game for holiday (nov/dec) this year.

I think Stoic’s game is this year as well. Hopefully we get an idea in June what 2024 will look like.

Of these games it will be 3 of them max, with 2 probably more likely, (Hellblade and Avowed), IMO.

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I just finished watching Sea of Thieves Documentary. Fun and charming time. The real problem oddly enough begins with the announcement of Game Pass. As you may know, this is one of first games that was released on day one. Their servers were ready for ten of thousands, not hundreds. Also, it’s a case of suffering from fun since the content was light at start, not to mention live service novice they were. What a great comeback.


Why doesn’t anyone mention Gears 6 in the potential releases in 2024?

Gears 5 was released in 2019 and the previous one in 2016. Even with the pandemic and a change of generation, I think 2024 is quite feasible, especially as The Coalition has grown significantly in recent years. It could be the big game for the holidays.

2024: Hellblade 2 (if not 2023), Avowed, Stoic’s Game, Contraband, Project Midnight, Forza Horizon 6, Gears 6

2025: The Outer Worlds 2, Project Mara, Everwild, Fable, Doom/Quake, State of Decay 3.

2026: Perfect Dark (if not 2025), Indiana Jones, Project Cobalt, etc.

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2024? Nah. They only recently decided to not make the new IP, didn’t they? So now all hands on deck for Gears 6. I guess it depends on how long they have worked on 6 now, but I doubt next year.

You’re right, I forgot Gears 6. I think it’ll be announced in June and out Fall 2024.

I refuse to believe that Forza Horizon 6 launches before Fable. I just don’t think it’s possible, especially for the first next gen only Horizon on the new engine. Motorsport took so long. Fable has been in development for 4-5 years and Forza Horizon 6 is probably still in pre-production.

The new IP was a side project, Gears 6 has been in development for quite a while now. And The Coalition is a pretty efficient studio.

Of course it will, I take the bet! :wink: The two teams are completely independent. Not to have to develop for the old Xbox One make things easier for the horizon team, I think.

Hey if it’s ready, let’s go! But I really hope they have taken the time needed to make something amazing but also not rushed. 5 near the end DID feel like that, it really felt as if it was missing a few more acts.

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I don’t know what to think of Gears 6 timeline wise

Coalition are very efficient but even 3 year gaps between titles I don’t think they evolved enough

If they are really going to really try and innovate with 6 I can see them taking longer and going past 2024

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Couldn’t find a thread but was using xCloud today to play Ark with my son. Very impressed, every time I use it there has been noticeable improvements.

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Returning to this forum after a long break. I got fed up with OtherEra’s constant meltdowns over minuscule things, and Reddit’s Xbox sub being incredibly negative all the time (you can probably guess which users like to focus solely on negative news there).

I usually like to post open career positions from MS and Xbox studios and trying to figure out what happens next.

Good to be back!