Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

To think people here complained about Tango not sticking to Horror genre. I get it but think about it: Xbox just got its own exclusive hack and slash game.


I wonder if devs seeing games like Pentiment, Grounded, Hi-Fi Rush make Microsoft an interesting place to work for. You don’t really see these type of games being released these days.


My expectation is that Redfall will have a reception very similar to the that The Outer Worlds had. Pretty strong critical reception, loved by most “average joe” gamers, and not loved as much by a fair amount of the hardcore forum types. Just like with TOW, I’ll be in the super loved category.


Don’t need sad dad, squeeze through crack, narrative driven, and third-person only game to qualify.


I am loving HI FI rush. You gotbthe obvious Jet Set Radio and Sunset Overdrive comparisons , but I also get Scott Pilgrim and even Spiderverse vibes from the game to comic transitions and overall artstyle flourishes. Not ro mention the gameplay is fun and challenging and controls great. I can’t gush about this game enough!


This is insane :joy: :joy: The team over at Tango must be surprised in a good way.


Good! The game more than deserves it! We must thank the Steam chads for their wise purchases.


Steam users seem to like Xbox games.


I’ve gotta say, if there’s anything that HFR demonstrates, it’s that Xbox need to buy more Japanese developers and publishers.

Just as STALKER 2 and Atomic Heart show that an investment in Eastern Europe and Russia would be great.

I’m looking forward to those games along with Avowed, Hellblade, Starfield, Forza, Redfall, the next Gears, etc. but HFR’s vibrant visuals are a welcome exception to all of them in terms of style. Pentiment, Grounded, and Bleeding Edge were all similarly unique so I’m especially glad that MGS is allowing for all of these “side-projects”.

You know what? Side projects from everyone… Make it happen MGS. If Turn 10 had a kart racing side project, I’m there. The Coalition with a UE5 horror game side project, I’ll be all over it. It doesn’t have to be a Triple A title.

I started playing HFR over the Cloud thinking I’ll just take a peek but I couldn’t put it down.


I’m drooling over Redfall, I absolutely cannot wait!


Stumbled upon this:

Dark times. Still dealing with this narrative but now we have more support, so we fight back!


What the, Hi-fi Rush is so good ! I am hopeless at rhythm games but this game is fun to play the art style is insanely cool. I could this easily getting a Netflix show!


Just to add my 2 cents, I’m enjoying HFR, I’m still early but I am curious if things open up a bit more. I could see this getting fairly popular but I think they could have chosen a better name.

It has a Japanese voiceover? I had no idea, I didn’t check the options. I will check this out!

Yes it does. Really gives the full effect of anime sensation.

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Yep. I really didn’t like the English voices from the trailer, so started in Japanese from the jump. Much better.

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Still angry how the media treated sunset overdrive because that was one of the best games of last gen. Also, I might get in trouble for saying this, but sunset overdrive might have been Insominac best game they’ve made in the past 10 years. I am not trying to dog the other games, but Sunset Overdrive was that good imo


I need to play more, but I recently started Spider-Man: MM and so far it hasn’t hit the heights of SO.

What really works in SO’s favour, is that Insomniac had a blank slate to really craft something with a fresh design, whereas there are certain “rules” they’d have to adhere to in regards to the Spider-Man IP in order to appeal to the mass-market audience.