Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

I’m hoping this is it

People need to get used to Bethesda = Xbox now


May be the only way it happens unfortunately. Hopefully this gen we don’t get any “one and done” IPs like the Xbox One gen. In a perfect world right now we would be looking forward to QB 2, Ryse 2 and Sunset Overdrive 2 among other games.

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God what a perfect world that’d be I loved Sunset Overdrive too (haven’t played Ryse yet).

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Why hasnt there been any talk about the FH5 Rally DLC that dropped a couple days ago. Xbox’s best exclusive got a big dlc and crickets :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I am loving it…

But here on Era, many are not interested in the game anyway.

Also, it is more of the same Forza horizon. If one like Forza they will love this DLC. But if they don’t, their is nothing much new in it for others to talk about it.

It is similar with sea of theievs.

This site is somewhat disconnected with two of the most successful franchise of xbox in recent years. Wierd, right?


There’s a thread here ICYMI


Rallies are my least favourite aspect of Forza.

:point_right: :point_left:

I’m loving it, I so wish the team would be able to make a sequel to Rallisport 2. I miss the days of the fun arcade rally games

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Racing games are fundamentally not talked about a lot. It is what it is.

I think the Rally DLC is quite good. Its missing some famous cars and its not really the thrilling and narrow rally tracks you get in Dirt Rally but its more approachable and fun.

i hope the next forza changes a bit the formula cause its getting a bit stale. And fix that pop in.


I feel there’s not much to talk about tbh. It’s solid , but there’s not much discussion needed for the rally DLC imo.

2 posts were split to a new topic: New Xbox external storage expansion from WesternDigital

I’m playng the last of US on PC: what stunning game. ND are Absolutely fantastic. I Hope to see the same level of quality and design from the Xbox studios. Really excited to see what they are cooking for the XBOX showcase.


I played it on PS3, and it was pretty good, I haven’t felt like I needed to go back at all, so haven’t played it since and didn’t play the sequel. I hope they move on from the franchise to something a little less bleak.


if Hellblade 2 is on the same quality as tlou for pc, certain fanbase would pitchfork the studio and demand Phil to step down.


I have not PS because i’m only PC Gamer. It has been the First Time i played the last of us. .

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Personally after the first two pacthes i didn’t find many problems.

About Hellblade 2, i Hope to see a new gameplay. I’ve been very impressed from the last one

There has been some talk, I’ve been praising it when I can. It really is a great expansion!

But also this:


I’m quite burned out on FH to be honest, played 5 for a while but then I just move to something else. Do you mean Halo or Gears with the other one? Same applies there too for me.

I am so ready for something new! New IP.

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