Xbox Game Studios |OT| it me you’re looking for?

On the 28th of October AMD will reveal their Big Navi GPUs

Microsoft would not spend 7.5B in cash, so as not to take advantage of Bethesda., What Timdog said makes sense. the deal has not yet been concluded, we cannot wait for definitions or official statements about exclusivity in Bethesda games. at least for now, until the deal is completed.

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Exactly my thoughts too.

And that comment about game pass costing MS a lot of money, is that even true? Isn’t that the nonsensical ‘‘is it even sustainable’’ bullcrap? From what i understand is that GP is great for both MS and devs/pubs.

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These dreamers conveniently ignore the comments by Phil how it’s gonna be case by case, Bethesda founder saying what MS owns Sony can’t have. But hey i guess that means it’s all staying multiplatform, lmao. Nope, next year it will be a full MS owned company and these big franchises should be Xbox franchises from there on out. Build up that amazing lineup of offerings ans espeically…shut these ‘‘Xbox haz no gamezzzzz’’ trash talkers. :slight_smile:

And Bethesda remaining semi independent doesn’t mean much. HOward already said Phil decides where the games go to.


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They are looking too much into that semi-independent thing. MS kept Zenimax/Bethesda as a whole in order to avoid massive lay-offs and to keep the structure in place. However, the final decision is still Xbox/Spencer that will be making it. People should see Bethesda as a second publishing brand under Xbox, equal to XGS.


I’m saying you would be doing a favor to your people if you spread the word. Get them all to be Professors at Garreg Mach!


One thing I would like to know is Starfield, TES 6, Wolf 3 and others will be published as Xbox Game Studios or Bethesda Softworks?

The ‘light shining’ part makes me think it’s RE The initiative and Perfect dark.

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Ah i see, so that’s the reason they are semi-independent. That’s a good thing that Spencer did this. Yeah overall it seems people still can’t quite grasp what is happening and i can’t even blame them, it’s one of the biggest moves in this industry in years. We all laughed about it when these rumors appeared earlier this year when it was about Sony doing it, but also when it was about MS doing it…and then it actually happened.

I’ve said it before that it would just be odd as hell to see Xbox releasing their biggest game next year (assuming Starfield is indeed 2021) on all platforms while at the same time they could be going ‘‘exclusive to Xbox and PC’’ at E3 or whatever the show will be. They’d be nuts to ‘‘give’’ it to Sony as well when Sony hasn’t been playing ‘‘nice’’ at all and it would just be a weird look to see Sony announcing several big exclusives for their system that year and Xbox just announcing them as multiplatform…nah. And maybe MS doesn’t care that much about what a weird look that would be…

But they do care about Game Pass subscribers and releasing all the games across all platforms will help Game Pass exactly zero percent.


Probably still Bethesda, but maybe with an Xbox logo or something like that.

If you are familiar with Light-Novels or manga for example, there are example like Kadokawa. Basically, they own many different publishing brand, all operating separately but they always all refer to the main company. It is the same for Bethesda and XGS all responding to Phil Spencer.

IMO I think the reason for these people saying this, they don’t understand MS strategy in gaming, because they are PlayStation centric gamers who keep up with Xbox at an arms length and don’t even bother to try to understand it.


Glad they got rid of the “Xbox One game playable on Series X” thing. It’s a Smart Delivery title, not a backcompat one.

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Yeah, that’s a good explanation. :slight_smile:

I think some of these people keep believing in it because Colin from IGN seems to be so dead certain about it. Apparently this is how MS operates now, and Game Pass costing them a lot of money they need to keep it all multiplatform. I think if Spencer really intended to keep it all multiplatform he would have said so and not case by case basis. And we certainly wouldn’t have heard Bethesda founder say what he said. I have no idea how much of a ‘‘loss’’ Game Pass is right now for MS, if it is one at all, but it’s crystal clear how they want GP to keep growing and growing. So unless Sony starts allowing GP on there…i think folks can keep dreaming. That seems only logical to me.

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Flight Sim in the launch window eh according to Tim’s tweet…


My guess is Xbox Game Studios and Bethesda both get a logo. In the case of games from BGS where the Bethesda Softworks logo doesn’t exist, put the Xbox Logo and the BGS logo.

That said, Xbox doesn’t like putting their logo on the boxes of Switch and PS games so expect the Bethesda logo on the box there for any subsequent reissures of FO76 and ESO.

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The only way for MS to put Bethesda games on PS5 would be for Sony to allow GP itself on PS5.



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