Xbox Game Studios |OT| it me you’re looking for?

It wasn’t an either/or situation though. Not buying Minecraft wouldn’t have meant investing in new studios or games. And as others have pointed out, the Minecraft purchase helped lead to an actual increase in investments into Xbox including all these new fancy studios acquisitions, gamepass and “The Most Powerful Console”, etc.

Yeah Mojang/Minecraft has provided A LOT for Xbox Division but not for the Xbox console gamer

they updated PS4 Version to support VR i don’t expect some type of exclusivity from Mojang/Minecraft at least they should wait for Xbox VR then release the VR Update

It’s MS Problem they have been treating Xbox Console Gamer as Second class citizens

Why the PC Gamer doesn’t have to pay For Live Gold and the console gamer have to pay for Live Gold ?

why the console gamer have to wait for gears tactics ?

The same goes for AOE IV

also what about MFS 2020 it was listed for Xbox ONE so where is it lol if the game didn’t come to Xbox ONE then simply MS lying to their console gamers


Xbox marketing team needs to find new ways to highlight the beauty and diversity of Game Pass.

Those lots of screens with lots of games ads got old real quick.


I personally don’t give two shits about Minecraft in general even though I did buy the $30 Minecraft Dungeons deluxe edition but quit the game about halfway through as I simply lost interest but nevertheless, it makes Microsoft a shit ton of cash which can only help the Xbox brand.

35 AAA games. 5 AAA games a year. LMFAO!!! You sound like me several years ago until I woke up and learned some stuff. LOL. Sorry but you’re way off.

As for the investment not doing much for us Xbox gamers, hmmm, actually it did because Xbox would probably be dead and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

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Don’t be surprised, 2.5 billion is a lot of money. Horizon Zero Down cost Sony 45 million, so imagine what they could do with 2.5 billion!

The $45m was because of where Guerrilla is located. AAA games take 4-6 years to develop and you think they could have gotten 35 of them? Plus, who’s making all of these games? Come on man. I don’t care for Minecraft either as the regular game is of no interest to me but it’s making Microsoft a lot of money which means that Xbox is getting more money invested into it.

Simple wifi solution: buy a wifi 6 router and put it in bridge mode. It’ll likely have much better connectivity than the integrated antenna.

I paid thousands of dollars in my new house to run cat6e. I am not a fan of wifi other than mobile, but my phone does do better on wifi 6.

What is the issue with USB C? Does someone want it as a display out for a monitor?

About USB-A. MS committed to having their older accessories work with the XSX so it would make sense the console uses that. The new controller is USB-C

Mojang was a great acquisition for Microsoft that brings in tons of revenue for the Xbox division. It doesn’t need to bring exclusive Xbox content to add value to Xbox. And who knows? Maybe Microsoft will demand exclusivity if they make a non-Minecraft game.


Yes it was a big strategical and critical move. I applaud them for doing it. Maybe it is not everybody’s cup of tea but Minecraft is one of the best selling games way ahead of GTA V one of the most successful entertainment products of all time…

Saw some youtube adds already for individual GP games like MS Flight Sim 2020 or Grounded as I was suggesting earlier that it would be a good move to market each game individually on screen time while promoting GP.

It is a really good starting point they should keep it up. Good com. They need to hammer it everywhere (more diffusion channels and com canals).

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I have a Wifi 6 laptop and it struggles to connect to my internet, lol.

Who’s gonna grab it D1? I’m full in. Hope they will make some collectors.

USB is super weird.
They just changed USB 3.1 to USB 3.2 But you can’t call it USB 3.2 if you don’t have type C

Speeds are still the same
1x 5Gbs
1x 10Gbs
1x 10GB = 20Gbs

Not sure what the speed is. I hope for 10Gbs

Use of USB A connectors on the console makes perfect sense, I find type C connectors to be quite fragile and it can move very easily if you have a bit of tension on the cable. USB A will avoid any unwanted disconnections that could force you to remove everything from your media cabinet just to be able to replug the cable in the back of the console :angry:

And for Wifi 6 this is just pure troll “concerns”. Vast majority of users are certainly using the shitty wifi N from their ISP box, and 99.9% are using AC or lower. If you want the best connection just use ethernet. Except an extremely small minority, people will use a router which cost almost the same price than a XsS (or even more for good ones). Wifi 6 will be a must ahve at some point, but not before the next mid gen upgrade :slight_smile:

hope XSX/S is ok?.

Sony Cuts PlayStation 5 Forecast by 4 Million Due to Chip Woes

Microsoft’s yields are a-okay thus far, not a concern I don’t think.

That’s the risk when you push the clocks…


Errm, Gears Tactics was developed for PC and its hardware, and needs to be adapted to work on xbox. The same goes for AoE 4 and MFS 2020. It has nothing to do with Microsoft treating its console gamers like second class citizens


So far we haven’t heard such news about Xbox Series, so my preorder should be good. I was the first one to preorder the XSX here.

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