Xbox Game Studios + Bethesda + Activision-Blizzard Studio Tier List

Before I judge this too harshly, what was the prism through which you ranked these?

And I ask that earnestly. As I have been scrolling through looking at these I noticed that everyone seems to be coming at it a bit differently. Mine for example was entirely how I generally view each studios overall talent/output/ability to create high end AAA titles (as it stands in the here and now). Rather than any personal preference for the titles per se.

I rated them solely on personal preference and experience of their output.


Understandable. Yeah when I did mine I was like “I dont like Racing Sims, but I realize that Turn 10 is basically unrivaled in that arena”

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Indeed. Objectively Turn 10 would be S tier for sure, as would some of the CoD Factories but it’s not my thing.

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I cant wait for compulsion to blow us all away and hop into the A tier after seeing them so mid on everyone elses list

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Season 7 seems to be going alright for SoT.


I hope so as well, I want all of them to respectfully and literally blow my nuts off and become S tier

