Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

Plague Tale is the biggest example of a game coming out of nowhere from the last gen for me. I remember seeing it in the store and thinking it was just Eurojank, only to find out it’s a last of us 1-quality game in a really unique setting.

Medieval Dynasty is available on Xbox Game Pass for PC (Game Preview). A console version will be released in the future as well.

Oh oh!



I’ve been thinking about for the next year only playing whatever is added to Gamepass and not purchasing any games (I would still but games I like when they leave the service like I do now) I think it would be a fun experiment to try. To look back after 12 months and reflect on how I feel about the service and it’s games. Do I feel like I missed out on games from other platforms or games that didn’t come to the service or was I satisfied with everything I got. Right now my biggest hold back is I bought a PS5 off eBay (don’t judge me) and I’d feel bad about letting it sit for 12 months even though I really don’t play it much right now. Same with the switch.

So what happened to that rally game that was supposed to be coming to gamepass?

This one? Just says summer 2021.

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Yup thats the one. I couldnt remember the name. Thx.

Recompile is coming to Game Pass day one when the game comes out in August.

Dj Khaled GIF by Music Choice

I guess this is a very recent addition and evidence that the announced games are not set in stone, more will be announced as the months progress.


This one looked interesting.

Yeah, it has a striking style to it and now we can sample it with Game Pass :wink:.

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Random Question: Is The Elder Scrolls Online on Game Pass for PC? I looked for it recently and couldn’t find it. Been dabbling with it on the Series X, but would much prefer playing on PC.

We have back to back game releases every month for the rest of the year…. except for December. What’s coming out that month?

Dying Light 2. Didn’t Nick say he heard something about Techland and Xbox before?

Halo might be it :wink:. But September is the unusual one, as Xbox didn’t specify a game, so I think we will hear at least one game that will be launching that month.

I think The Gunk is releasing in September, although there’s no release date yet, just a window.

I thought about that as well, although I think if it is I would expect it to have been announced as coming out then since it is not too far away.

Might be a bit of cat and mouse with release dates between Sony and Microsoft for Halo Infinite and Horizon: Forbidden West? Or maybe better scheduling between Microsoft and Third Parties of the FPS realm?

I find the whole Jumpship and Somerville situation fascinating. I knew the game looked like something Playdead would make but didn’t realize it was the co-creator’s studio until after the show. Then it clicked and I recall reading that the creative heads had a falling out and split up.

Playdead always had a good relationship with Xbox launching exclusively on the platform first with Limbo and Inside if I’m not mistaken. It was strange that this time around, Playdead signed with Epic. On the other hand, Jumpship must have tapped Xbox early on and received funding for a Game Pass partnership which is just neat to think about for this deal, future ones and in general regarding other studios as games.

I also find the studio’s name quite funny and on the nose: Jumpship—like, how the studio head literally jumped ship from Playdead lol. Good pickup for Xbox and Game Pass. Somerville looks good and caught a lot of eyes. I think Phil’s a big fan of Playdead, too, so it really just all aligned to grab these guys.

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Halo Infinite.

I’m keen to jump into NFS Hot Pursuit Remastered this week. Played the original for hours back in the day