Xbox + Bethesda Showcase Leaks... Seriously this is where the leaks/rumors/spoilers go!

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We can always choose to just ignored track records and pretend every random assertion made by randos is just as valid as anything folks say with good track records, sure. That isn’t very fruitful for a thread about leaks though.

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I mean, would make sense if Xbox managed to get an assortment of games (Souls Hackers 2, Persona 4/5, 13 Sentinels, Sonic, Yakuza, Two Point Campus, etc.). Plus Age of Empires 4 is partially SEGA.


Oh, right. AoE, maybe rumored Sega’s FPS game too, maybe Halo Wars 3?


Tom also stated this stream is based on rumors hes heard so

what kind of weirdos are spreading the avowed no show rumor :laughing:

Apparantly he said to not expect Ubisoft to be there, hopefully true

Fair enough, we can see new Yakuza game maybe or new footages from Sonic game. Also some Gamepass titles since Sega and MS are working closely. And also, Persona games on Xbox can be real this time

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I’m not saying to do that - I’m saying that I take EVERY leak by any well known person who we know has sources with a grain of salt and don’t rely on it as written in stone even when they’ve been right every time that I’m personally aware of. So the “leak” in this case is not that it won’t be there, it’s that he doesn’t believe it will be there. Which is still cool & useful - but I won’t bet either way knowing that.

I expect a great show.


He wasn’t replying to one at that point, he was saying he would not leak everything on the list he was given and that he would say some stuff folks are assuming is there won’t be but he has ‘vowed’ not to say explicitly and then said ‘wink, wink’. He also got a superchat about Avowed and said there was nothing to really say about it.

I’m as eager to see these games as anyone, but it is actually exciting to me when stuff like Replaced or Routine or even Avowed et al aren’t at the showcase because that means MS felt they had other stuff more useful to showcase and that just adds to the list of great stuff coming. If they just showed us everything we had heard already that would be less exciting to me, even tho those games surely will look incredible.


I think he doubled down on no Avowed not so far ago (I track Era thread)

So if we adjust expectations

  • Starfield
  • Forza Motorsport
  • A lot of Sega content
  • Kojima partnership
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Warcraft Expansion Diablo 4 Overwatch 2 MW 2 gamepass day 1

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Vowed means promise, so there’s a difference, even when he made a smirk laugh when asked about P5R he could have meant its happening or its “never happening its a meme at this point”.


“Tom doesn’t want to leak the whole show this close to the showcase, he doesn’t want to spoil anything.”

Sure Tom, if these guy is 100% sure of the info he got, he already would leak the entire showcase by know, maybe he has some info, but not enough confident to even write an article about it.

Give me a break, Tommy boy.


Dont think you’ll see MW2 on Game Pass.

I do actually completely agree with you on this bit. I don’t particularly care WHAT is there - I know it’ll be worth watching anyway. Sure I’d love to see Perfect Dark, Fable & Avowed more than most anything else they can show me, but I’ll still enjoy watching either way.

No, that isn’t correct. He was saying he has a list of everything being shown and then immediately hinted at Avowed missing. He was not guessing or speculating himself. He was referencing his list. Sure, maybe that list if bogus and he got played, but that is NOT the same thing as he himself guessing about its presence or lack thereof. He is saying he was told what games would be there and strongly suggested it was not on that list.

Let’s not muddy this talk up by acting like this is his prediction when it isn’t a prediction/guess/speculation.

Showing OW2 would be a downer though. We already had reveal on Twitch no?

I dont know if it makes sense. You have to remember, Microsoft is going to own this company by the time some of them release. They want to maximise their ip…and associate them with xbox…i mean the next Modern Warefare will be 2028…they arent going to sit back and do nothing.