Xbox Acquisition |OT6| If this is about competition, let us have competition

I am sorry, I was on holiday so I didn’t get to reply but I did appear to be half mistaken, percentages don’t seem to be used that much but monopolies do trend to focus on the industry and not subsections (escpecally in unestential industries like gaming or movies for example). The definition on monopoly is basically being in a position where you control an industry and we have more estential industries like the opportating system for example showing the line to be anti trust is pretty fair in considering how dominate windows is or online shopping with amazon (granted their are some weird cases like them going after FB for some reason despite their being tons of valid competitors to the social media’s they own)…also them closing down the PC store fronts which is the 1 which could be argued to be more esstential doesn’t really mean much unless they buy valve because the MS store app is far from dominate and the publishers they have bought with storefronts are also far from dominate…also I guess you could argue cloud in general (not xcloud) but MS isn’t even dominate in said area, they are behind amazon

but this is the thing, we don’t need protection from a gaming company. Its an unestential industry much like movies and when windows can own about 75% of that market I don’t see them coming after MS over gaming of all things

well yeah, this makes sense. Literally anyone can make a video game (their isn’t really a barrier of entery like most industries have). Hell literally the most successful game of all time was started by 1 person which was acquired about 2 Billion dollars then you have other examples like roblox for example which has become huge. The only area the FTC maybe able to argue a fair case is probably the cloud but MS isn’t dominate in that industry so I don’t see a way it goes far

not really shocking. Both Sony pictures and Paramount felt inevitable to be acquired IMO. If Microsoft plans to make a move into this industry this is the purchase I expect them to make but I don’t think they are

I get WB discovery but why would they go after Netflix. I don’t think thata a good buy at all since they lack a lot of great or high profile franchises (also the average premium isn’t 45%, its apparently 20-30% according to google, I think that just goes to show how big of a deal ABK was/is)

Microsoft is probably targetting bigger fish now tbh. Some studio acquisitions wouldn’t shock me (like neather realm and Certain Affinity wouldn’t shock me) but I think they will be much more focused on publishers now

I wouldn’t put Ubisoft on that list. They treated as some super major but they aren’t a lot bigger than bethesda all things considered. They are sort mid sized, when we are on about the major players I would say MS, Tencent, Sony, Nintendo, ABK (about to be acquired), EA & T2.

why not do both at the same time, I don’t get why people say wait when MS is clearly worried of other companies entering and buying these companies waiting is the worst thing they could do

IDK, with the massive stock drop I honestly wouldn’t write it off and while the lay offs would cause a lot of backlash would MS care…I think their are better and more likely targets but I wouldn’t write it off consider the IP Ubisoft owns is pretty powerful and the fact that they would get them for an insanely good price

ok but you can’t really move employees to different studio’s most of the time nor can we assume all those developers have the level of skill needed to work on some of the other franchises. I don’t know what all their studio’s do but I know they own a lot of mobile ones and you can’t just drop them on the next elder scrolls for example…also the fact they apparently have more employees than embracer makes me think they are just insanely bloated to a stupid degree

I think thats all publishers. Like non are the size to keep up with the companies entering, the only one with a legitament chance would of probably would of been Nintendo, if they had acquired stuff as they grew I could easily of seen them become the disney of gaming if you will


I think Destiny is great but I don’t think Sony buying them matters much since it will stay multiplat and if we assume Bungie wanted the same terms of MS acquired them which I think they would, they have broken from MS before and ABK as well because they wanted their indendence I am not sure if it was a great buy…I don’t think it would of been a bad one by any stretch of the imagination but it depends on the level of control because I doubt MS would want bungie to be able to refuse game pass despite owning them or even worse partner with a different sub service, on top of that I think MS would want control over the IP even if bungie stayed independent sort of like Minecraft

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Are people really expecting more acquisitions?

Id love Ubisoft but with all the anti-monopoly hubbub after the Activision/Blizzard deal… doesn’t MS need to let the hest die down for a sec? Have they announced theyre still expanding?


Just 4 more:

  1. Sega
  2. Ubisoft
  3. Tencent
  4. Embracer

Yes, I am. So are Phil and Satya, theyve said as much.

As far as anti monopoly, this has been really quiet, the only ones you see saying that are the 2 or 3 senators pushing their own bills and Playstation fans.

This has been about as quiet as Microsoft could ask for.


Absolutely. Eventhoug its the biggest acquisition in the tech industry, there hasn’t been any kind of mayor “noise” (Those 2 senators have oppose to a lot of deals in the past so I’m not counting them as an “anomaly” to the process).

Compare it to the Nvidia-ARM deal and/or Disney-Fox deal. This hasn’t got any kind of attention, even SONY (its mayor competitor so far in the game space) didn’t oppose the deal.


Yeah it’s hard to argue monopoly even with this as cash revenue and even if they pulled cod and made it exclusive the estimates only put them in 3rd… kinda hard for number 1 to say not fair to number 3…

I can’t think of a single universe in which a US company acquires Tencent. Lol


The video game industry, broadly defined, is nowhere near a monopoly. Microsoft could buy Take Two, EA, and Ubisoft and it would still be nowhere near a monopoly. I think those of us who primarily game on console have a hard time understanding how big the PC and mobile markets really are.

Regulators and public perception don’t have to act in accordance with that economic reality though. I’m sure Microsoft has some internal estimates of how many (and how big) acquisitions it can do without regulators starting to get serious or there being some kind of consumer backlash.

There is also the issue that regulators can define the market in different ways that make Microsoft have a much larger market share, thus providing a rationale for stopping an acquisition. (console market only, streaming only, etc.) Personally, I think those alternate definitions would be flawed, but that doesn’t matter.

I’m to the point where I am not really expecting more big acquisitions - at least in the near term - but I won’t be surprised if there are more either. As for smaller acquisitions like Asobo, I don’t think those would surprise anyone at this point.


She’s joking

Sure Phil once said they will “always be acquiring” because they always want gamepass to grow even more.


After Actiblizz closes I assure you they will continue to acquire


Not a single entity complaining about monopolies. Literally nobody, even the senators did not care about Call of Duty or market share.

Microsoft will acquire more and the next big acquisition I expect will come from Japan. I personally want Capcom, and while I don’t like Square Enix it would be a huge middle finger to Sony after FF shenanigans.

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What I wouldn’t give for those folks to get a large budget…… gotta make a sweet deal with Kadakowa to let them go though I’m sure.:sweat_smile:


YES! Visual Novel gang! And I love dark stories like Spike Chunsoft’s games


Plus plenty of their games get ported to mobile and are super XCloud friendly.

Also, they make 3D fighting games!

I would really like MS to get CA.

Wait, Kadokawa owns these guys? Huh, that’s new to me.

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Fair point. I just don’t want to see a bad company get these devs

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Yep! These are their devs iirc:


Spike Chunsoft

Kadakowa Games

When all the “news” about Kadakowa working on some licensed games broke earlier this year I laughed mainly because Spike kinda already does that (Jump Force, One Punch Man, etc.)