Xbox Acquisition |OT5| Talking Exclusively About Xbox Acquisitions

“Short-term impact” are Game Pass deals, not acquisitions. You acquire for long-term gains, you sign deals for the short term.


It’s a good thing there’s a lot in developments, even if it is taking time. Could you imagine if this pandemic happened during 5 studios only Xbox era?


I know but having to wait at least 5+ years for my new Crash Game because TfB have been sent to the CoD mines and need rescue if killing me man.

Or fixing Vicarious Visions for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3+4

Man Bobby really drove Acti-Blizz into the fucking ground.

It’s better than waiting forever because ABK stayed as a 10 studio per cod puppy mill

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Oh no if Acti-Blizz was still independant I would have buried those hopes and dreams because Bobby would never have stopped the CoD train.

How ****ed was Acti-Blizz before this?

Even Konami realized they had to go back to making games. KONAMI.

Fuck Bobby Kotick (for lots of reasons not just related to being a horrible manager/CEO)

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I know it isn’t the subject here, but does anybody know more about the rumors of Apple making a gaming console? I mean, there was information in 2020 that the company was gonna make 2 versions of Apple tv, one cheap without gaming features and one with gaming in mind, but only the first one is out, also in 2021 there was rumors from Asia that Apple was trying to make a hybrid console similar to Nintendo switch so seems like the Apple TV for gaming became something else. I really wanna know if there’s something else that’s been talking about in the gaming industry apart of what jez said.

It’s mostly speculation from Jez based on Apple poaching Engineers from Microsoft.

Now if it’s specifically Xbox engineers I still don’t think that means anything.

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See, thats why Phil Spencer, Amy Hood and Satya Nadella make these desicions. You on the other hand would have never done the Minecraft deal: was also a bad purchase because it tied up talented devs in a franchise forever.

Exactly, people here are way to impatient. You dont send 70 billion dollars and only look forward to 2024.

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I never said I was good at business.

I never even said I was mediocre at business.

ok, but what does “Until proven otherwise, I think Acti-Blizz was a bad purchase call.” then even mean?

That’s what’s make it even more interesting. Several good apple leakers said between 2020 and 2021 that Apple was making a gaming controller, and that they want to make an ‘Apple Arcade +’ subscription in which they would put more AAA-ish games. But knowing Apple they could perfectly drop everything, that said apple arcade is dead right now, or either they are saving announcements for the spring event or they will kill it soon.

Long regulatory process with two potential hot commodities could be entering the market: SEGA and WB.

Talented Devs strapped to one franchise that will take forever to untangle and make new games based on legendary IP.

That’s mostly it.

It’s heartbreaking see how long it’s going to take Microsoft to seperate great devs from the CoD train.

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Phil spoke with them. They knew the risks or absence of them and did the ABK deal.

You have no timeframe for this assessment.

Sega doesn’t make as much sense to me anymore as an acquisition target now that Xbox has Blizzard. The same applies to Sonic in regard to TFB with Crash and Spyro. They’d probably be better off targeting studios or a publisher with a larger Japanese presence, and I say that as a fan of what RGG does.

“Hey, you four studios are off COD now. Go make something cool. We’ll just push the development cycle up on those titles a year or two.”

Truly a logistical nightmare.

Common sense. Did you see the list of studios helping out on MW2? Probably the same studios also working on Treyarch 2024 and Warzone 2.

Damn CoD factory man.

Either way that I think this was maybe a bad call, but that’s just me.

Having a bunch of Acti-Blizz games on GamePass is great, but I alrady own all of them so heh.

I see the long term value, but man it is a long term play.

Really really not that simple.

Hmmm, I just had an idea for a topic.

Not as complicated as you make it out to be.

Let’s save it for a different thread. Gimme a sec.

I’ll buy a 3rd party cookie now and have 20 1st party ones in 2025 :wink: