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Remedy would be a good pick up but I doubt as if I am not mistaken they are in a publishing deal with epic games and are currently closer with Sony, ASOBO is a studio Microsoft should pick up if they can, Dontnod would be a good pick up

Rocksteady wouldn’t be my 1st pick up from WB but they would be a solid pick up as they are talented. Personally though Neatherrealm and Monolith Productions would be the 1st pick up I would get from WB as they own IPs that come along side them. I do think TT games, Rocksteady and Avalanche Software are good pick ups in terms of talent though… CD/Eidos I doubt my opinion to these will ever change, buy just them feels like just buying Relic and Creative Assembly from SEGA too me, buying SEGA or Square as a whole just makes more sense… Capcom is easily one of the best pick ups from Japan in my opinion… Ubisoft is the publisher which I think best compares to the idea of “Sony games” being mainly 3rd person open world actions games granted the quality trends to not be as good but they also trend to release more often so it evens itself out…

I used more JRPGs since Microsoft would likely want to make a statement in Japan (for guardians of the galaxy and kingdom hearts, they are either licensed or owned by someone else (disney) so I didn’t include them) but…I made one for SEGA too because the other graphic was a joke (no offense but it didn’t even have sonic…you know…Mr SEGA)

(I also made them for other companies, I will share them later but if you have any suggestions/requests message me :wink: )


These are awesome great work👍

Awesome that one is much better, I just found a random one on Google (could you make the Bayonetta logo clearer please?).

That better

Just saw from Bloomberg that 4 U.S. senators are pressuring the FTC to review the Activision merger with a letter raising concerns about the deal’s impact on workers.

No need for the politicians to pressure as the FTC has already said they are reviewing the merger since the other department had a conflict of interest. This is laughable attention seeking by those politicians.

It’s also hilarious coming off the recent news of Microsoft as being rated the number one company to work for.


They’re already reviewing it lol


And conversely the terrible working conditiona at Activision and especially Blizzard.


Yup. As i said, this is purely the Politicians peacocking.


Some more details (apparently was from Wall Street Journal)

“the deal could undermine employees’ calls for accountability over alleged misconduct at the videogame giant.”

Edit: Found it U.S. Senators Pressure FTC to Review Microsoft-Activision Merger - WSJ

Is that the same complaints that they settled out of court the other day? If so, the politicians are late as always. There’s still a lawsuit ongoing in California, from what I can see.

A spokesperson for the California agency told the Los Angeles Times in a statement that it “will continue to vigorously prosecute its action against Activision in California state court” and added that the state court set a trial date for February 2023.

The Hill reached out to the agency for comment.

The CDFEH [sued the company] in July, alleging it fostered a “frat boy” workplace culture that subjected women at the company to sexual harassment and lower pay than their male peers.

The company rejected the allegations.


4 senators full of shit for their political points because everyone and including them knows none of the responsibles will be there once its done, most if not all of them will resign instead of being kicked out.


Indeed. The deal is perhaps the only way to get rid of the top drivers of the complaints. Only thing worse than statistics are Politicians.


Statistics can actually be tangible and useful. No need to hate on them. Now they can be biased so you have to be careful where they come from.


Yes, all for some good ol’ points, no one is forced to retain or stay at the company, Microsoft would just pay the firing/leaving labour costs which is one can of beer for their money.

Agreed. I didn’t quite mean statistics but more accurately meant those who use statistics – those who make up their own.


I haven’t read it yet but I bet 2 out 4 are Warren and Bernie, I guess? Maybe Booker also.

So after the year of allegations where nothing happened and even lawsuit was resolved recently, they want to use “big corporation” card using Microsoft “the best employer in the world” to prevent the merger? lol


3 out of 3 for you sir, 100%. :wink:

Warren, Sanders, Booker and Whitehouse


Nailed it!

  • Senators Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.),
  • Bernie Sanders (I.,Vt.),
  • Cory Booker (D., New Jersey)
  • Sheldon Whitehouse, (D, R.I.)

I see. I did not know who is Whitehouse though so I could not predict him :joy: