Xbox Acquisition |OT5| Talking Exclusively About Xbox Acquisitions

Yes, probably. But why?

So you can play Assassins Creed while driving


They can put Game Pass App on Tesla computer


So this deal happened in a time frame of 2 month. People said these deals are years in the making :rofl:

Guess the Bungie acquisition can be a reaction afterall


yeah they could, why they would is beyond me but they could…maybe they want to know the secrets of how rayman’s limbs don’t need to be connected but still function like they were for their next car LMAO

Bungie one was 6 months in the works supposedly. The “reaction” could definitely have pushed it over the line though.

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Talks usually take months (like I would say on average usually at least 6 months) so I doubt it was reaction to MS buying activision but there is a good chance sony knew that MS were talking to activision before hand as corporate espionage is pretty common, Bungie was get for Sony though as it gave them the 2nd biggest MMO behind wold of warcraft the 3rd biggest FPS series (not to mention they have 2 other projects in the works).

I would say the only way I could see this as reactional is if Sony knew MS was also in talks with EA (which I could see to be fair) as Sony would probably need to acquire bungie as they would be a risk of losing all major FPS frachises as if MS wanted too they could pull CoD, Overwatch, Apex, Battlefield, DOOM, wolfinstine, quack, Plant v Zombies, titain fall ect. so acquiring bugie at least meant they had some form of FPS on their platform but I don’t see a situation where sony felt like they needed to buy someone big cos of the activision and zenimax deal, sony and most big companies are smarter than that.

What prevents Sony from being interested in Bungie even before ATVI deal happened? They wanted GaaS after all. The price and conditions maybe have become higher than expected. Like before ATVI deal, Sony probably (just like Microsoft) did not want to give Bungie full independence, but after ATVI deal Sony decided that they have no choice and agreed.

I still don’t understand why so many people want EA acquisition.

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I never said Sony wouldn’t just be intrested in Bungie, to be honest Bungie was a great pick up for them as it filled a lot of holes in their 1st party library and Bungie can help them get into live service games. I just meant its the only way I see bungie being reactional lol.

Also the reason I imagine people want to someone to acquire EA is too “save” their studios cos EA doesn’t treat them the best, the downfall of bioware and battlefield are great examples of this.

They usually are. Not sure why so many people like to take this one example as if it disproves what we’ve heard people state about their acquisitions after the fact (see Bethesda and Xbox statements).

And no, Bungie was in the works with PlayStation for at least six months according to members of the PlayStation team (so after MS turned them down in 2020).


They are months to years in making, Activision case was the outlier, not the standard. It was a rare moment where a big opportunity comes in.


It’s not like there was anything unique about the situation or anything… right?

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Certainly not anything at all… nothing like cratering stock prices and a federal lawsuit due to rampant discrimination and sexual abuse/harassment.

But acquisitions of this size actually only take hours :woozy_face:

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…eh, nah

I was going to say something but after Paxton, pg2g and Knottian, that would just end up being excessive force


So if Bungie + Sony was 6 months…

And Xbox + Activision was 2 months…

Then can we say that Activision was the panic response buy? :crazy_face:

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“Microsoft is on a buying binge. Here’s what it could buy next - CNN” Microsoft is on a buying binge. Here's what it could buy next - CNN

"…Microsoft chief financial officer Amy Hood also noted on a conference call with analysts following the Activision deal announcement that the company is looking for more deals in high-growth markets where Microsoft can “uniquely add value to the users or the community”

I think studios or publishers acquisitions are not finished yet. I could see Japanese, Poland and Korea as the possible targets.

Techland seems a logical Evolution of this strategy. There are a lot of talents in Poland.

I’m loving Dying light 2 and how Techland tells a story. And more, they are working on a new Medieval IP.


And they never will be :reggie: Business doesn’t end

I’d offer to fund and publish as XGSP. Just offer.

No, because you would not have the ownership of future IPs.

Do we even know that that’s the case with all their XGSP IP?